U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission
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U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission

                           SEC NEWS DIGEST

Issue 2008-5                                           January 8, 2008



The Securities and Exchange Commission and the Securities and Exchange
Board  of India (SEBI) today announced terms for increased cooperation
and collaboration.

SEC Chairman Christopher Cox and SEBI Chairman M. Damodaran elaborated
the  terms  establishing the structure of, and agenda for, an SEC-SEBI
dialogue. This new dialogue has three main objectives:

     *  Identify  and  discuss  regulatory  issues of common concern
     *  Continue   and   expand   upon   the   existing   program  of
        capacity-building  and  technical cooperation between the SEC 
	and the SEBI
     *  Improve  cooperation  and  the  exchange  of  information  in
        cross-border securities enforcement matters

"As  financial  services  and  investment  continue to grow and expand
between the United States and India, the SEC and SEBI are increasingly
working  together  to  facilitate  our aims of investor protection and
healthy  markets,"  said  Chairman  Cox. "The SEC has worked with SEBI
over  the  past  few  years on extensive capacity-building programs as
well  as  enforcement  matters.  I  look  forward  to  continuing  and
strengthening  our  regulatory  and  enforcement cooperation with SEBI
through this high-level dialogue."

Chairman  Damodaran  said,  "Given the role that emerging and recently
emerged markets play in an increasingly globalised financial world, it
is  only  befitting  that  the  SEBI  and  SEC  work  closely  for the
protection    of  investors  and  for  ensuring  fair,  efficient  and
transparent  markets.  The  high  level  discussions  between  the two
regulators,  while promoting capacity building, would also enable both
the  SEBI  and  SEC to take suitable joint and collective action where

Ethiopis  Tafara, Director of the SEC Office of International Affairs,
said,  "This  framework  for discussion will benefit and shape the SEC
staff's  continued  interaction  with officials from the SEBI. The SEC
staff  has  engaged  in  over two dozen projects related to the Indian
markets  and  met  with  over 1,000 Indian officials. The new dialogue
will  build  upon  these  efforts  and  provide  the SEC and SEBI with
further opportunities to enhance securities regulation." 

The  dialogue  will  be  composed  of  regular  meetings  and  ad  hoc
information  exchange  at  the  staff  level  and  between  high-level
representatives of the SEC and SEBI.

Given  recent  developments  in  both the U.S. and Indian markets, the
following  topics have been identified for discussion for the dialogue
over the coming year:

     * Oversight  of dually regulated entities
     * Regulatory and compliance issues  relating  to outsourcing
     * Accounting and auditing standards
     * Corporate  governance  standards  and  internal  controls
     * Areas   for   continued   capacity-building   and   technical
     * Cross-border cooperation and information sharing in securities
       enforcement matters

The SEC and SEBI agree that this is not an exclusive list of issues to
be  discussed  in the dialogue and that the list may be revised as new
regulatory  issues  affecting the India and U.S. markets emerge in the
course of the year.

The  SEC-SEBI  dialogue was announced after completion of an extensive
two-week, SEC-SEBI capacity-building and technical cooperation session
on  a  variety  of  topics  held in India at the end of December 2007.
Highlights  of the capacity-building effort were two training programs
and  a  CCOutreach  program  for  chief  compliance  officers  of U.S.
registered  investment  advisers  located  in  Asia. In the CCOutreach
program,  topics included compliance risk assessment, establishing and
testing  compliance  controls  and  common  deficiencies  found in SEC

The  capacity-building  programs conducted by the SEC involved a four-
day  training  program  in  Mumbai  on Securities Market Oversight and
Enforcement  which  55  Indian  regulators  attended.  Topics included
broker-dealer  compliance,  hedge  fund  regulatory  concerns, broker-
dealer and investment adviser inspections, insider trading, and market
manipulation. The SEC also conducted a two-day training program in New
Delhi on corporate finance and corporate disclosure which 25 officials
for  SEBI  regional  offices  attended.  Topics  included the offering
process,   financial  fraud,  asset-backed  securities  and  corporate
governance. (Press Rel. 2008-3)



The  Commission  announced  the  issuance,  on  January 4, of an Order
Temporarily  Suspending  Exemption  Pursuant  to  Section  3(b) of the
Securities  Act  of  1933  and  Regulation  A thereunder, Statement of
Reasons  for Entry of Order, and Notice of and Opportunity for Hearing
(Order). The Order finds that Euro Capital Incorporated (Euro Capital)
filed  with  the  Commission on Dec. 17, 2007, a Regulation A Offering
Statement  under  the  Securities  Act  of  1933 (Offering Statement).
According  to  the  Order,  the  Commission  has reason to believe the
following:  the  Offering  Statement  contains  untrue  statements  of
material facts and omits to state material facts necessary in order to
make  the  statements  made,  in  the light of the circumstances under
which  they  are  made,  not misleading; the Euro Capital offering, if
made,  would  be  in  violation of Section 17 of the Securities Act of
1933;  and  Euro  Capital  has  failed  to  comply  with the terms and
conditions  of  Regulation  A  because  its  Offering  Statement omits
essential  information required by Regulation A and Commission Form 1-
A.  The statements in question pertain, generally, to certain unproven
mineral  claims and alleged revenue; the omitted information pertains,
generally,  to  the  value and ownership of the mineral claims and the
background of management.

Based  on  the  above,  the  Order temporarily suspends Euro Capital's
exemption  under  Regulation  A pursuant to Rule 258(a) of the General
Rules  and  Regulations  under the Securities Act. (Rel. 33-8881; File
No. 3-12925)


An  Administrative  Law  Judge has issued an Order Making Findings and
Revoking  Registrations  by  Default  (Default Order) in the matter of
e4L,  Inc.,  et  al.  The  Order  Instituting Proceedings alleged that
Respondents  e4L, Inc., Luminex Lighting, Inc., MD Healthshares Corp.,
Royal  Holiday  Mobile  Estates,  Inc.,  and  Sales  Strategies,  Inc.
(collectively, Respondents), failed repeatedly to file required annual
and  quarterly reports while their securities were registered with the
Securities  and  Exchange  Commission.  The  Default Order finds these
allegations  to  be true and revokes the registration of each class of
registered  securities  that  Respondents  have  with  the Commission,
pursuant  to  Section  12(j)  of  the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.
(Rel. 34-57112; File No. 3-12895)


The  Commission  announced  that on Nov. 26, 2007, the Honorable Ruben
Castillo,  U.S.  District Judge for the Northern District of Illinois,
entered  a  permanent injunction and other relief against Mark Michel,
finding  him  liable  for  securities  fraud resulting from an insider
trading  scheme  after  a  bench  trial held in Chicago from Oct. 1-5,
2007.  The  Court  concluded  that Michel, a registered representative
with    Wachovia  Securities,  LLC,  violated  Section  10(b)  of  the
Securities  Exchange  Act  of  1934  (Exchange  Act) and Rule 10b-5 by
repeatedly    trading  on  material,  non-public  information  in  the
securities  of Blue Rhino Corp. (Blue Rhino) in the week leading up to
Blue  Rhino's  Feb.  9,  2004,  merger  announcement  with  Ferrellgas
Partners, LP. 

In  its  61-page  opinion,  the Court found that a long-time friend of
Michel's  (who  was  a  co-defendant  in  the  case who had previously
settled)  tipped  Michel  about  Blue Rhino's merger negotiations in a
telephone call on the night of Jan. 29, 2004. The Court found that the
following  morning, having conducted minimal research on the stock and
having  ignored it after reading a magazine article about it just four
months  earlier,  Michel began a six-day buying spree for himself, his
relatives  and  his  customers in which he bought $1.4 million of Blue
Rhino stock. 

The opinion also found that several other individuals had received the
same  information  as  Michel  on  the  night of January 29 or shortly
thereafter,  all  of  whom  were  friends  or  relatives of a business
partner of one of Blue Rhino's directors, and all made unusually large
and unexplained purchases of Blue Rhino in the week before the merger.
The  judge  found  that  based  on  the  close relationships among the
individuals  involved,  a series of unusual telephone calls on January
29  and  30, the unusually large purchases of Blue Rhino that followed
almost   immediately,   and   numerous   "shifting,  contradictory and
implausible  or  inadequate explanations" of the purchases, Michel and
the other individuals had engaged in insider trading.

The  Court permanently enjoined Michel from violating Section 10(b) of
the  Exchange  Act  of  1934  and  Rule  10b-5, and ordered him to pay
disgorgement of $277,881, representing profits gained from his illegal
insider  trading,  and  prejudgment  interest  of  $68,307.  The Court
reserved jurisdiction to set an appropriate civil penalty.

The  Commission  also  sued  four  other  defendants,  all of whom had
previously  settled,  leaving  Michel  as  the only defendant to go to
trial. [SEC v. Mark Michel, et al., Civil Action No. 06C-3166-Castillo
(N.D. Ill.)] (LR-20423) 


The  Commission  announced  today  that,  on  January 4, the Honorable
Thomas  I.  Vanaskie entered a Final Judgment and Order against Lazare
Industries,  Inc. (Lazare), its principal, Richard J. Harley (Harley),
and     relief  defendant  Jacqueline  Kube  (Kube),  (SEC  v.  Lazare
Industries,  Inc.,  et  al., Civil Action No. 3:CV-96-0705, M.D. Pa.).
The Final Judgment and Order directs Lazare, Harley, and Kube, jointly
and  severally,  to  pay  $975,911  in  disgorgement  and interest. It
further  orders  Lazare  and  Harley to pay third-tier penalties of $1
million and $500,000, respectively. 

In  the civil injunctive action filed by the Commission in April 1996,
the  Commission  alleged that Harley and Lazare engaged in a scheme to
defraud   more   than   seventy   investors   by   making   fraudulent
representations and omissions in connection with the offer and sale of
at  least  $1.4 million of subscriptions for the unregistered stock of
Lazare.  The  Commission  also  named Jaqueline Kube, Richard Harley's
common law wife, as a relief defendant. The alleged misrepresentations
and  omissions concerned an ozone/oxygen therapy offered by Lazare and
Harley  which  they  claimed,  among  other  things, (1) had undergone
extensive  testing;  (2)  had  been  proven  to  be  effective  in the
treatment  of,  among  other viruses, AIDS; and (3) had been patented.
None of these claims was true. 

Simultaneous  with  the filing of the complaint, the Commission sought
and  obtained a temporary restraining order against the defendants. On
May  20, 1996, the Court entered a Permanent Injunction by Consent and
Continued   Asset  Freeze  (Permanent  Injunction)  which  permanently
enjoined  Lazare  and  Harley  from violating Sections 5(a), 5(c), and
17(a)  of  the  Securities  Act  of  1933, Section 10(b) of Securities
Exchange  Act  of  1934  (Exchange Act) and Rule 10b-5 thereunder, but
left open the issues of disgorgement and civil penalty. The action was
then stayed pending the outcome of related criminal proceedings.

After  a hearing on Jan. 4, 2008, the Court entered the Final Judgment
and  Order  resolving  these  final issues. [SEC v. Lazare Industries,
Inc., et al., Civil Action No. 3:CV-96-0705 (M.D. Pa.)] (LR-20424)



The  Commission  approved a proposed rule change (SR-NYSE-2007-87), as
modified  by  Amendment No. 1 thereto, submitted by the New York Stock
Exchange to incorporate certain definitions of Exchange Act Rules 13d-
1 and 13d-3 into NYSE Rule 460. Publication is expected in the Federal
Register  during the week of January 7. (Rel. 34-57100) 

The  Commission  approved  a  proposed  rule change (SR-NYSEArca-2007-
115)   submitted  by  NYSE  Arca  relating  to  Rule  6.87  -  Obvious
Error.  Publication  is  expected  in  the Federal Register during the
week of January 7. (Rel. 34-57103)


A proposed rule change as modified by Amendment No. 1 thereto (SR-ISE-
2007-113)  filed  by  International  Securities  Exchange to allow the
Exchange  to  list  up  to  seven  expiration  months  for broad-based
security  index  options  upon which an exchange calculates a constant
three-month  volatility  index  has  become  effective  under  Section
19(b)(3)(A)  of  the  Securities  Exchange Act of 1934. Publication is
expected  in  the Federal Register during the week of January 7. (Rel.


The  following  registration  statements  have been filed with the SEC
under  the Securities Act of 1933. The reported information appears as
follows:  Form,  Name,  Address and Phone Number (if available) of the
issuer of the security; Title and the number and/or face amount of the
securities   being  offered;  Name  of  the  managing  underwriter  or
depositor  (if  applicable);  File  number  and  date  filed; Assigned
Branch; and a designation if the statement is a New Issue. 

Registration statements may be obtained in person or by writing to the
Commission's     Public  Reference  Branch  at  100  F  Street,  N.E.,
Washington,  D.C.  20549-1090  or at the following e-mail box address:
publicinfo@sec.gov.  In most cases, this information is also available
on the Commission's website: www.sec.gov.

        1,718,773 ($1,189.00) Equity, (File 333-148487 - Jan. 7) (BR. 11B)

S-1     Orexigen Therapeutics, Inc., 12481 HIGH BLUFF DRIVE, SUITE 160, 
        SAN DIEGO, CA, 92130, (858) 436-8600 - 
        8,050,000 ($112,539,000.00) Equity, (File 333-148490 - Jan. 7) (BR. 01C)

S-1     RAI Acquisition Corp., ONE CRESCENT DRIVE, SUITE 203, 
        NAVY YARD CORPORATE CENTER, PHILADELPHIA, PA, 19112, 215-465-0600 - 
        0 ($287,500,000.00) Equity, (File 333-148491 - Jan. 7) (BR. 11)

SB-2    SEW CAL LOGO INC, 207 W 138TH ST, LOS ANGELES, CA, 90061, 3103523300 - 
        10,871,760 ($54,358.80) Equity, (File 333-148492 - Jan. 7) (BR. 02A)

        (919)414-1458 - 1,437,500 ($143,750.00) Equity, (File 333-148493 - 
        Jan. 7) (BR. 09)

        77043, 713-896-9100 - 2,026,570 ($9,687,004.60) Equity, 
        (File 333-148499 - Jan. 7) (BR. 04)

        617-402-1000 - 0 ($126,559,320.00) Equity, (File 333-148500 - Jan. 7) 
        (BR. 02)

        XINZHUANG TOWN,, SHANGHAI, F4, 201100, (8621) 5488-8436 - 
        6,000,000 ($9,780,000.00) Equity, (File 333-148501 - Jan. 7) (BR. 10C)

        9523513000 - 0 ($337,080,000.00) Equity, (File 333-148502 - Jan. 7) 
        (BR. 05A)

        4102901616 - 0 ($8,070,000.00) Equity, (File 333-148503 - Jan. 7) 
        (BR. 03B)

        972-9-952-6110 - 2,799,998 ($53,083,965.00) Equity, (File 333-148504 - 
        Jan. 7) (BR. 03C)

        48121, 3135947766 - 0 ($1,000,000.00) Asset-Backed Securities, 
        (File 333-148505 - Jan. 7) (BR. 05)

        7076395000 - 0 ($165,880,000.00) Equity, (File 333-148506 - Jan. 7) 
        (BR. 02B)

SB-2    Bancroft Uranium, Inc., 8655 EAST VIA DE VENTURA, SUITE G200, 
        SCOTTSDALE, AZ, 85258, 480-346-1460 - 
        7,242,180 ($14,484,360.00) Equity, (File 333-148507 - Jan. 7) (BR. 04B)

        44(0) 1306 746080 - 19,211,111 ($365,011,109.00) Equity, 
        (File 333-148508 - Jan. 7) (BR. )

SB-2    Reshoot Production CO, 14055 TAHITI WAY, SUITE 305, MARINA DEL REY, CA, 
        90292, 310-823-3656 - 9,200,000 ($184,000.00) Equity, 
        (File 333-148510 - Jan. 7) (BR. )


Form 8-K is used by companies to file current reports on the following
1.01	Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement		
1.02	Termination of a Material Definitive Agreement		
1.03	Bankruptcy or Receivership	
2.01	Completion of Acquisition or Disposition of Assets	
2.02	Results of Operations and Financial Condition	
2.03	Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an 
	Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant		
2.04	Triggering Events That Accelerate or Increase a Direct Financial Obligation 
	under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement		
2.05	Cost Associated with Exit or Disposal Activities		
2.06	Material Impairments		
3.01	Notice of Delisting or Failure to Satisfy a Continued Listing Rule or 
	Standard; Transfer of Listing		
3.02	Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities		
3.03	Material Modifications to Rights of Security Holders		
4.01	Changes in Registrant's Certifying Accountant	
4.02	Non-Reliance on Previously Issued Financial Statements or a Related Audit
	Report or Completed Interim Review		
5.01	Changes in Control of Registrant	
5.02	Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; 
	Appointment of Certain Officers; Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers	
5.03	Amendments to Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws; Change in Fiscal Year
5.04	Temporary Suspension of Trading Under Registrant's Employee Benefit Plans
5.05	Amendments to the Registrant's Code of Ethics, or Waiver of a 
	Provision of the Code of Ethics
5.06	Change in Shell Company Status	
6.01. 	ABS Informational and Computational Material.
6.02.  	Change of Servicer or Trustee.
6.03.  	Change in Credit Enhancement or Other External Support.
6.04. 	Failure to Make a Required Distribution.
6.05.  	Securities Act Updating Disclosure.
7.01	Regulation FD Disclosure	
8.01	Other Events	
9.01	Financial Statements and Exhibits
8-K   reports  may  be  obtained  in  person  or  by  writing  to  the
Commission's     Public  Reference  Branch  at  100  F  Street,  N.E.,
Washington,  D.C.  20549-1090  or at the following e-mail box address:
publicinfo@sec.gov.  In most cases, this information is also available
on the Commission's website: www.sec.gov.

NAME OF ISSUER                          CODE   	 8K ITEM NO.		    	DATE       COMMENT
1ST INDEPENDENCE FINANCIAL GROUP, INC   DE       5.02,9.01                      01/07/08

ABIOMED INC                             DE       8.01                           01/07/08

ABM INDUSTRIES INC /DE/                 DE       5.02                           01/01/08

ABX Holdings, Inc.                      DE       1.01,2.01,2.03,3.02,5.02,8.01, 12/31/07
ACACIA RESEARCH CORP                    DE       5.03,9.01                      12/31/07

ACCENTIA BIOPHARMACEUTICALS INC                  7.01,9.01                      01/07/08

ACE MARKETING & PROMOTIONS INC          NY       3.02,7.01,8.01,9.01            12/31/07

ADEPT TECHNOLOGY INC                    CA       1.01,9.01                      01/01/08

ADVANCED ENERGY INDUSTRIES INC          DE       5.02,9.01                      12/31/07

AEHR TEST SYSTEMS                       CA       2.02,9.01                      01/07/08

AEI INCOME & GROWTH FUND 23 LLC         DE       2.01,9.01                      12/31/07

AETNA INC /PA/                          PA       7.01                           01/07/08

ALCO, INC.                              NV       5.02                           01/07/08

ALLOS THERAPEUTICS INC                  DE       8.01,9.01                      01/07/08

ALLSCRIPTS HEALTHCARE SOLUTIONS INC     DE       1.01,2.01,2.02,2.03,9.01       12/31/07

ALTERNATIVE ENERGY SOURCES INC                   2.06,5.02                      01/01/08

AMALGAMATED ACQUISITION CORP.           DE       1.01,5.01,9.01                 12/03/07

AMEREX GROUP, INC.                      OK       1.01,9.01                      12/31/07

AMERICAN BANCORP OF NEW JERSEY INC      NJ       8.01,9.01                      01/03/08

AMERICAN MEDICAL ALERT CORP             NY       5.02,9.01                      12/31/07

AMERICAN MEDICAL SYSTEMS HOLDINGS INC   DE       5.02,9.01                      01/04/08

AMERICAN MEDICAL SYSTEMS HOLDINGS INC   DE       2.02,8.01,9.01                 01/07/08

AMERIGROUP CORP                                  1.01                           01/01/08

ANALYTICAL SURVEYS INC                  CO       1.01                           01/07/08

ANHEUSER-BUSCH COMPANIES, INC.          DE       2.02,9.01                      01/07/08

APARTMENT INVESTMENT & MANAGEMENT CO    MD       1.01,9.01                      12/31/07

Apple REIT Eight, Inc.                  VA       2.01,9.01                      01/02/08

ARABIAN AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT CO         DE       5.03,9.01                      01/03/08

ARENA RESOURCES INC                     NV       8.01                           01/07/08

ASHFORD HOSPITALITY TRUST INC           MD       5.02                           12/31/07

ASIA PREMIUM TELEVISION GROUP           NV       5.02                           01/07/08

ASPEN TECHNOLOGY INC /DE/               DE       1.01,9.01                      12/28/07

ASPYRA INC                              CA       5.02,9.01                      12/31/07

ASSISTED LIVING CONCEPTS INC            NV       1.01,2.03,7.01,9.01            12/31/07

Atlas Technology Group, Inc.            DE       1.01,2.04,3.02,9.01            12/31/07

AUXILIUM PHARMACEUTICALS INC                     7.01,9.01                      01/07/08

AVOCENT CORP                            DE       7.01,9.01                      01/07/08

Banc of America Commercial Mortgage I   DE       8.01,9.01                      01/07/08

BARRIER THERAPEUTICS INC                DE       7.01,9.01                      01/07/08

Barrington Broadcasting Group LLC       DE       1.01                           01/01/08

BEA SYSTEMS INC                         DE       5.02,9.01                      12/31/07

Behringer Harvard Opportunity REIT I,   MD       7.01,9.01                      01/07/08

BERRY PLASTICS HOLDING CORP             DE       5.03                           01/07/08

BIOGEN IDEC INC.                        DE       2.02,9.01                      01/07/08

BIOLASE TECHNOLOGY INC                  DE       2.02                           01/07/08

BIOLASE TECHNOLOGY INC                  DE       1.01,5.02,9.01                 01/07/08

BIONOVO INC                             DE       5.03,9.01                      12/31/07

BIOVEST INTERNATIONAL INC               DE       7.01,9.01                      01/07/08

BJs RESTAURANTS INC                     CA       8.01,9.01                      01/07/08

BLACKROCK PETROLEUM CORP.               NV       1.01,5.01,5.02,9.01            12/31/07

BLUEGREEN CORP                          MA       1.01                           01/07/08

Boardwalk Bancorp Inc                   NJ       8.01,9.01                      01/07/08

BreitBurn Energy Partners L.P.          DE       8.01,9.01                      01/07/08

BreitBurn Energy Partners L.P.          DE       9.01                           11/01/07    AMEND

BSD MEDICAL CORP                        DE       7.01,9.01                      01/07/08

BUSINESS OBJECTS S.A.                            5.02,9.01                      12/31/07

CALLIDUS SOFTWARE INC                            8.01,9.01                      01/07/08

CALLISTO PHARMACEUTICALS INC            DE       1.01,9.01                      12/31/07

CAMERON INTERNATIONAL CORP              DE       8.01                           01/07/08

CANADIAN DERIVATIVES CLEARING CORP      A6       9.01                           12/31/07

CANANDAIGUA NATIONAL CORP               NY       2.01,9.01                      01/07/08

Cape Bancorp, Inc.                      MD       8.01,9.01                      01/07/08

CAPSTONE TURBINE CORP                   DE       1.01                           12/31/07

CARGO CONNECTION LOGISTICS HOLDING, I   FL       1.01,1.02,9.01                 12/31/07

CARRIER ACCESS CORP                     DE       2.02                           01/07/08

CASCADE CORP                            OR       8.01                           01/04/08

CASTLE A M & CO                         MD       7.01,9.01                      01/07/08

CB RICHARD ELLIS GROUP INC              DE       5.02                           01/01/08

CELGENE CORP /DE/                       DE       2.02,9.01                      01/06/08

CHEMUNG FINANCIAL CORP                  NY       5.02,9.01                      01/07/08

CHESAPEAKE ENERGY CORP                  OK       7.01                           01/02/08

CHINA SECURITY & SURVEILLANCE TECHNOL   DE       5.02,9.01                      01/07/08

CHINA SXAN BIOTECH, INC.                NV       5.03                           07/10/07

CHURCH LOANS & INVESTMENTS TRUST        TX       5.02                           12/31/07

CIB MARINE BANCSHARES INC               WI       5.02                           01/07/08

CINCINNATI BELL INC                     OH       1.01,7.01,9.01                 12/31/07

CIPRICO INC                             DE       3.01,9.01                      01/07/08

CIRCUIT CITY STORES INC                 VA       2.02,9.01                      12/31/07

CITIGROUP DIVERSIFIED FUTURES FUND LP            3.02                           01/01/08

CITIGROUP FAIRFIELD FUTURES FUND LP I            3.02                           01/01/08

CLACENDIX, INC.                         DE       2.01,9.01                      12/31/07

Clearpoint Business Resources, Inc      DE       1.01,2.03,5.03,9.01            12/31/07

Cloudtech Sensors, Inc                  DE       8.01                           01/04/08

COBIZ FINANCIAL INC                     CO       5.02,9.01                      12/31/07

Cogdell Spencer Inc.                    MD       1.01                           12/31/07

COINSTAR INC                            DE       1.01,9.01                      01/01/08

Collexis Holdings, Inc.                          4.01,9.01                      01/02/08

COLORADO GOLDFIELDS INC.                NV       8.01,9.01                      01/03/08

COMMERCE BANCORP INC /NJ/               NJ       5.02,8.01,9.01                 12/31/07

Commerce Planet                         UT       4.01,9.01                      01/02/08

Commerce Planet                         UT       1.01,2.03,9.01                 12/26/07

Comstock Homebuilding Companies, Inc.   DE       1.01                           12/31/07

CONCRETE CASTING INC                             5.02                           01/01/08

CONMED CORP                             NY       5.02,9.01                      01/04/07

Consolidated Communications Holdings,   DE       1.01,2.01,9.01                 12/31/07

CONSOLIDATED GRAPHICS INC /TX/          TX       7.01,9.01                      01/07/08

COVANCE INC                             DE       5.02                           12/31/07

COVENTRY HEALTH CARE INC                DE       2.02,9.01                      01/07/08

CRAFTMADE INTERNATIONAL INC             DE       1.01,1.02,2.03,9.01            12/31/07

CRAWFORD & CO                           GA       5.02,8.01,9.01                 01/07/08

CSS INDUSTRIES INC                      DE       7.01,9.01                      01/04/08

CVR ENERGY INC                          DE       1.01,9.01                      12/31/07

CVR ENERGY INC                          DE       5.02                           12/29/07

CYBERTEL CAPITAL CORP                   NV       1.01,9.01                      12/31/07

DCP Midstream Partners, LP              DE       5.02                           01/01/08

DEBT RESOLVE INC                        DE       5.01                           12/31/07

DELPHI CORP                             DE       7.01                           01/07/08

DEXCOM INC                                       7.01,9.01                      01/07/08

DIAMOND OFFSHORE DRILLING INC           DE       7.01,9.01                      01/07/08

Digital Realty Trust, Inc.              MD       7.01,9.01                      01/07/08

DOCUMENT SECURITY SYSTEMS INC           NY       1.01,2.03                      01/04/08

DOT HILL SYSTEMS CORP                   NY       1.01,2.02,3.02,9.01            01/04/08

DRI CORP                                NC       1.02                           01/02/08

DST SYSTEMS INC                         DE       5.02,9.01                      12/31/07

DTS, INC.                               DE       5.02,5.03,9.01                 12/31/07

EARTH BIOFUELS INC                      DE       9.01                           01/07/08

Echo Healthcare Acquisition Corp.       DE       8.01,9.01                      01/04/08

Education Realty Trust, Inc.            MD       5.02,9.01                      01/01/08

EGAIN COMMUNICATIONS CORP               DE       1.01,9.01                      01/07/08

EGPI FIRECREEK, INC.                    NV       1.01,2.03,3.02,5.01,5.02,9.01  01/07/08

ELOYALTY CORP                           DE       2.02,9.01                      01/07/08

Emergent BioSolutions Inc.              DE       2.02,9.01                      01/07/08

EMPIRE RESORTS INC                      DE       8.01,9.01                      01/04/08

Empire Water CORP                       NV       3.02,5.01,8.01                 01/03/08

ENDWAVE CORP                            DE       2.02,9.01                      01/07/08

ENERGROUP HOLDINGS CORP                          1.01,2.01,3.02,5.01,5.02,5.06, 12/26/07
EnerLume Energy Management Corp.        CO       7.01,9.01                      01/07/08

ENERNOC INC                                      5.02,8.01,9.01                 01/07/08

ENHERENT CORP                           DE       5.02                           01/02/08

ENTERPRISE FINANCIAL SERVICES CORP      DE       1.01,3.02,7.01,9.01            12/31/07

ENTERTAINMENT DISTRIBUTION CO INC       DE       3.01,9.01                      01/04/08

ENTRUST INC                             MD       2.02,9.01                      01/07/08

ENWIN RESOURCES INC                     NV       4.01,9.01                      01/02/08

EPIC ENERGY RESOURCES, INC.             CO       3.02                           12/31/07

EQUITY LIFESTYLE PROPERTIES INC         MD       1.01,2.02,5.02,9.01            01/04/08

ESCO TECHNOLOGIES INC                   MO       5.02,9.01                      12/31/07

EUROBANCSHARES INC                      PR       1.01,9.01                      01/02/08

ev3 Inc.                                DE       2.02,9.01                      01/07/08

ev3 Inc.                                DE       7.01,9.01                      01/07/08

EXTERRAN HOLDINGS INC.                  DE       5.02                           01/01/08

FIRST REPUBLIC PREFERRED CAPITAL CORP            5.03,9.01                      12/28/07

FORMFACTOR INC                          DE       5.02,9.01                      01/04/08

G REIT INC                              MD       7.01,9.01                      01/07/08

GAMETECH INTERNATIONAL INC              DE       2.02,8.01,9.01                 01/04/07

GASTAR EXPLORATION LTD                           7.01,9.01                      01/07/08

GEMSTAR TV GUIDE INTERNATIONAL INC      DE       8.01                           01/07/08

GENESIS ENERGY LP                       DE       3.01,9.01                      01/04/08

GENTEX CORP                             MI       5.02                           01/07/08

GENZYME CORP                            MA       2.01,9.01                      10/22/07    AMEND

GLOBALSCAPE INC                         DE       5.02,9.01                      01/01/08

GMX RESOURCES INC                       OK       7.01,9.01                      01/07/08

GOLDEN PHOENIX MINERALS INC /MN/        MN       5.02,9.01                      01/01/08

GOLDMAN SACHS HEDGE FUND PARTNERS LLC   DE       7.01                           01/07/08

GOLDMAN SACHS HEDGE FUND PARTNERS LLC   DE       3.02                           01/07/08

Graymark Healthcare, Inc.                        1.01,2.01,3.02,3.03,5.01,5.02, 12/31/07

GREEN BANKSHARES, INC.                  TN       5.02,9.01                      12/31/07

HCC INSURANCE HOLDINGS INC/DE/          DE       8.01,9.01                      01/02/08

HEALTH NET INC                          DE       7.01                           01/06/08

HEALTHCARE TECHNOLOGIES LTD                      1.01,2.01,3.02,5.01,5.02,5.03, 01/07/08
HEALTHSOUTH CORP                        DE       7.01,9.01                      01/07/08

HEALTHWAYS, INC                         DE       7.01                           01/07/08

HESKA CORP                              DE       5.02                           01/07/08

HEXCEL CORP /DE/                        DE       5.02,9.01                      12/31/07

hhgregg, Inc.                           DE       2.02,9.01                      01/07/08

HI TECH PHARMACAL CO INC                NY       8.01                           12/31/07

HIGHWATER ETHANOL LLC                            5.02                           01/01/08

HOLLY CORP                              DE       5.02                           01/07/08

HOLLY ENERGY PARTNERS LP                DE       5.02                           01/07/08

HORTON D R INC /DE/                     DE       1.01,2.03,9.01                 01/04/08

HOTEL OUTSOURCE MANAGEMENT INTERNATIO   DE       8.01                           12/28/07

HUMAN GENOME SCIENCES INC               DE       2.02,9.01                      01/07/08

I2 TELECOM INTERNATIONAL INC            WA       1.01,3.02,9.01                 01/07/08

IBT BANCORP INC                         PA       4.01,9.01                      01/01/08

ICAHN ENTERPRISES L.P.                  DE       5.02,9.01                      01/01/08

IDEX CORP /DE/                          DE       2.01,9.01                      01/02/08

IDT CORP                                DE       5.02,9.01                      01/03/08

IMMUCOR INC                             GA       2.02,9.01                      01/07/08

IMPERIAL SUGAR CO /NEW/                 TX       5.02                           01/02/08

India Globalization Capital, Inc.       MD       8.01,9.01                      01/04/08

INFINITY PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.          DE       7.01,8.01,9.01                 01/07/08

INFORMEDIX HOLDINGS INC                 NV       4.01,9.01                      10/26/07    AMEND

InfoSearch Media, Inc.                  DE       4.01,9.01                      12/31/07

Integrated Healthcare Holdings Inc      NV       5.02,9.01                      12/31/07

Integrated Management Information, In            7.01,9.01                      01/07/08

INTERFACE INC                           GA       5.03,9.01                      01/07/08

INTERMOUNTAIN COMMUNITY BANCORP         ID       5.02                           01/01/08

INTERNATIONAL SPEEDWAY CORP             FL       7.01,9.01                      01/07/08

INTERNATIONAL TEXTILE GROUP INC         DE       5.02,9.01                      01/07/08

INTERNATIONAL TEXTILE GROUP INC         DE       8.01,9.01                      01/07/08

ION MEDIA NETWORKS INC.                 DE       3.02                           12/31/07

ISRAMCO INC                             DE       1.01,2.01,2.05,9.01            12/31/07

ITEX CORP                               NV       8.01,9.01                      01/07/08

JACKSON RIVERS CO                       FL       5.02,9.01                      12/31/07

JEFFERIES GROUP INC /DE/                DE       2.02,7.01,9.01                 01/06/08

JK Acquisition Corp.                             8.01,9.01                      01/04/08

Kandi Technologies Corp                          5.03                           06/29/07    AMEND

KEY ENERGY SERVICES INC                 MD       5.02,9.01                      12/31/07

Kingston Mines Ltd.                     NV       5.02                           01/07/08

KITTY HAWK INC                          DE       8.01,9.01                      01/07/08

KMG CHEMICALS INC                       TX       1.01,2.01,2.03,9.01            12/31/07

KOSAN BIOSCIENCES INC                   CA       8.01,9.01                      01/03/08

KRATOS DEFENSE & SECURITY SOLUTIONS,    DE       1.01,2.01,2.03,5.03,9.01       12/31/07

KRISPY KREME DOUGHNUTS INC              NC       5.02,9.01                      01/06/08

KRONOS ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES INC        NV       1.01,3.02,5.01,8.01            12/31/07

La Solucion Inc                         DE       5.03,9.01                      12/31/07

LANDEC CORP \CA\                        CA       5.02,9.01                      01/07/08

Lawson Software, Inc.                   MN       2.02,9.01                      01/07/08

LEESPORT FINANCIAL CORP                 PA       5.02                           12/31/07

LEGG MASON INC                          MD       1.01,2.03,9.01                 01/03/08

LEXICON PHARMACEUTICALS, INC./DE        DE       2.02                           01/07/08

LEXINGTON REALTY TRUST                  MD       1.01,3.02,8.01                 12/31/07

LIFECELL CORP                           DE       2.02,9.01                      01/07/08

LMI AEROSPACE INC                       MO       7.01,9.01                      12/21/07    AMEND

LOCATEPLUS HOLDINGS CORP                         2.04                           12/06/07

LONG-E INTERNATIONAL, INC.              UT       1.01,2.03,3.02,9.01            12/31/07

LYONDELL CHEMICAL CO                    DE       5.02                           01/01/08

Mandalay Media, Inc.                    DE       5.02                           01/01/08

MAP Pharmaceuticals, Inc.               DE       8.01,9.01                      01/07/08

MARINE PRODUCTS CORP                    DE       8.01,9.01                      01/07/08

MASTR Asset Securitization Trust 2007   DE       8.01,9.01                      01/07/08

MATHSTAR INC                            MN       3.01,9.01                      01/04/08

MAXYGEN INC                             DE       8.01,9.01                      01/07/08

MedAire, Inc.                           NV       8.01                           01/07/08

MedaSorb Technologies CORP                       5.02,9.01                      12/31/07

MediaREADY Inc                          FL       1.01,2.01,2.03,3.02,5.01,5.03, 12/31/07
MEDICINOVA INC                          DE       7.01,9.01                      01/07/08

MEDISTEM LABORATORIES, INC.                      1.01,9.01                      05/09/07

MEDTOX SCIENTIFIC INC                   DE       1.01,9.01                      12/31/07

MERIDIAN INTERSTATE BANCORP INC         MA       8.01,9.01                      01/07/08

MESA ROYALTY TRUST/TX                   TX       2.02,9.01                      12/21/07

METALICO INC                                     1.01,9.01                      01/02/08

MID AMERICA APARTMENT COMMUNITIES INC   TN       7.01,9.01                      01/07/08

MIDDLEBURG FINANCIAL CORP               VA       5.02                           12/31/07

Midway Gold Corp                                 7.01,9.01                      01/04/08

MIPS TECHNOLOGIES INC                   DE       2.02,9.01                      01/07/08

MOODYS CORP /DE/                        DE       2.05                           01/07/08

MORGANS FOODS INC                       OH       1.01,1.02,2.02,2.03            12/31/07

MRU HOLDINGS INC                        DE       3.02                           12/31/07

MSC-Medical Services CO                 FL       5.02,7.01,9.01                 12/28/07

MYLAN INC.                              PA       1.01,1.02                      01/07/08

MZT Holdings, Inc.                      DE       3.01,9.01                      01/07/08

NASDAQ STOCK MARKET INC                 DE       1.01,9.01                      01/02/08

NASTECH PHARMACEUTICAL CO INC           DE       5.02,9.01                      01/04/08

NATCO GROUP INC                         DE       5.02,8.01,9.01                 01/07/08

NaturalNano , Inc.                      NV       1.01,9.01                      12/31/07

NaturalNano , Inc.                      NV       4.01,9.01                      01/04/08    AMEND

NB CAPITAL CORP                         MD       1.01,3.03,9.01                 01/01/08

NEDAK ETHANOL, LLC                      NE       8.01,9.01                      01/07/08

NELNET INC                              NE       1.01,5.03,9.01                 12/31/07

NETEZZA CORP                                     1.01                           01/02/08

NETWORK CN INC                          DE       1.01,9.01                      01/01/08

NEW JERSEY RESOURCES CORP               NJ       7.01,9.01                      01/07/08

NEW ULM TELECOM INC                     MN       1.01,2.01,9.01                 12/31/07

NEWMONT MINING CORP /DE/                DE       7.01,9.01                      01/04/08

NEWPORT CORP                            NV       1.01,9.01                      01/02/08

NEWPOWER HOLDINGS INC                   DE       8.01,9.01                      01/02/08

NEWS CORP                                        8.01,9.01                      01/07/08

NEXTGEN BIOSCIENCE INC.                 NV       2.01,3.02,5.02,9.01            11/27/07    AMEND

NITCHES INC                             CA       5.02                           01/04/08

NITCHES INC                             CA       3.02,9.01                      12/31/07

NOBLE INTERNATIONAL, LTD.               DE       1.01,9.01                      12/31/07

NORTH VALLEY BANCORP                    CA       1.01,9.01                      12/31/07

NU HORIZONS ELECTRONICS CORP            DE       1.01,1.02,4.01,9.01            01/03/08

NU SKIN ENTERPRISES INC                 DE       5.03,9.01                      01/01/08

NVR INC                                 VA       5.02,9.01                      01/03/08

ODYSSEY MARINE EXPLORATION INC          NV       5.02,7.01,9.01                 01/01/08

OLD LINE BANCSHARES INC                          5.02,9.01                      12/31/07

OMNI ENERGY SERVICES CORP               LA       5.02,9.01                      12/31/07

OMNIRELIANT HOLDINGS, INC.              NV       5.02,9.01                      01/03/08

ONSCREEN TECHNOLOGIES INC               CO       7.01                           01/07/08

OPENWAVE SYSTEMS INC                    DE       2.01,9.01                      12/31/07

Opes Exploration Inc.                   NV       1.01,7.01,9.01                 01/07/08

Oracle Healthcare Acquisition Corp.              8.01,9.01                      01/07/08

Orexigen Therapeutics, Inc.             DE       1.01,3.03,9.01                 01/06/08

ORLEANS HOMEBUILDERS INC                DE       2.05,9.01                      12/31/07

OSI PHARMACEUTICALS INC                 DE       8.01,9.01                      01/02/08

OSIRIS THERAPEUTICS, INC.               DE       1.01,7.01,9.01                 12/31/07

P&F INDUSTRIES INC                      DE       5.03,9.01                      12/31/07

PACIFIC CONTINENTAL CORP                OR       2.02,9.01                      01/07/08

PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC CO               CA       5.02,7.01,9.01                 01/07/08

PANACOS PHARMACEUTICALS, INC.           DE       1.01,5.02,9.01                 01/01/08

PAR TECHNOLOGY CORP                     DE       5.02,9.01                      12/31/07

PARADIGM MEDICAL INDUSTRIES INC         DE       8.01,9.01                      12/24/07

PARK CITY GROUP INC                     DE       5.02                           01/07/08

Park Place Energy Corp.                 NV       7.01                           12/20/07

Park Place Energy Corp.                 NV       5.02                           12/14/07    AMEND

PCS EDVENTURES COM INC                           1.02                           01/07/08

PERFORMANCE TECHNOLOGIES INC \DE\       DE       1.02                           12/31/07

PETROLEUM DEVELOPMENT CORP              NV       8.01,9.01                      01/07/08

PG&E CORP                               CA       5.02,7.01,9.01                 01/07/08

PHH CORP                                MD       1.01,8.01,9.01                 01/04/08

PHOENIX TECHNOLOGIES LTD                DE       8.01                           01/07/08

PHYSICIANS FORMULA HOLDINGS, INC.       DE       5.02                           01/01/08

PINNACLE AIRLINES CORP                  DE       8.01                           01/04/08

PINNACLE ENTERTAINMENT INC              DE       1.01,5.02,9.01                 12/30/07

PIPELINE DATA INC                                7.01                           12/31/07

PIPELINE DATA INC                                7.01                           12/31/07

PLANETLINK COMMUNICATIONS INC           GA       9.01                           01/04/08

POWERSECURE INTERNATIONAL, INC.         DE       2.05,5.02,9.01                 12/31/07

PROGENICS PHARMACEUTICALS INC           DE       5.02                           12/31/07

PROLIANCE INTERNATIONAL, INC.           DE       8.01,9.01                      01/07/08

PROS Holdings, Inc.                     DE       5.03,9.01                      12/31/07

QUALSTAR CORP                           CA       2.02,9.01                      01/07/08

QUICKSILVER RESOURCES INC               DE       8.01,9.01                      01/07/08

RAAC Series 2006-SP2 Trust              DE       8.01,9.01                      01/07/08    AMEND

RADIOSHACK CORP                         DE       1.01,5.02                      01/07/08

REFLECT SCIENTIFIC INC                  UT       1.01,9.01                      12/31/07

REGENCY CENTERS CORP                    FL       5.02,5.03,9.01                 01/01/08

REGENCY CENTERS LP                      FL       5.02,5.03,9.01                 01/01/08

REGENERX BIOPHARMACEUTICALS INC         DE       1.01,3.02,9.01                 12/31/07

RENASANT CORP                           MS       5.02                           01/02/08

RESOURCING SOLUTIONS GROUP INC          NV       1.01,9.01                      01/04/08

RESTORATION HARDWARE INC                CA       5.03,9.01                      12/31/07

Rim Semiconductor CO                    UT       5.02,7.01,9.01                 12/31/07

RIMAGE CORP                             MN       5.02,9.01                      12/31/07

Rockville Financial Inc.                         8.01                           01/04/08

Rockwood Holdings, Inc.                 DE       2.01,9.01                      12/31/07

RUSS BERRIE & CO INC                    NJ       5.03,9.01                      12/31/07

SABINE ROYALTY TRUST                    TX       2.02,9.01                      01/04/08

SALOMON SMITH BARNEY AAA ENERGY FUND             3.02                           01/01/08

SALOMON SMITH BARNEY ORION FUTURES FU            3.02                           01/01/08

SAMARITAN PHARMACEUTICALS INC           NV       5.02,5.03,9.01                 01/07/08

SANDRIDGE ENERGY INC                    DE       7.01,9.01                      01/07/08

SAUER DANFOSS INC                       DE       5.02,9.01                      01/02/08

SCHNITZER STEEL INDUSTRIES INC          OR       2.02,9.01                      01/07/08

Select Notes Trust LT 2004-1            DE       8.01,9.01                      01/02/08

SEMTECH CORP                            DE       8.01,9.01                      01/03/08

SENTO CORP                              UT       1.01,9.01                      12/28/07

ShoreTel Inc                            CA       2.02,9.01                      01/07/08

SIELOX INC                              DE       1.01,9.01                      12/31/07

SILICON STORAGE TECHNOLOGY INC          CA       5.02,5.03,9.01                 12/28/07

Silver Dragon Resources Inc.            DE       8.01                           01/07/08

SIMTROL  INC                            DE       8.01                           12/31/07

Sino Fibre Communications, Inc.         NV       1.01,9.01                      01/07/08

SKILLSOFT PUBLIC LIMITED CO                      8.01                           01/02/08

SMITH BARNEY BRISTOL ENERGY FUND LP              3.02                           01/01/08

SMITH BARNEY POTOMAC FUTURES FUND LP             3.02                           01/01/08

SMITH BARNEY TIDEWATER FUTURES FUND L            3.02                           01/01/08

SMITH BARNEY WARRINGTON FUND L P                 3.02                           01/01/08

SMITH BARNEY WESTPORT FUTURES FUND LP            3.02                           01/01/08

Solera National Bancorp, Inc.           DE       8.01,9.01                      01/07/08

SOLUTIA INC                             DE       7.01,9.01                      01/07/08

SOLUTIA INC                             DE       7.01,9.01                      01/07/08    AMEND

Somaxon Pharmaceuticals, Inc.           DE       7.01,9.01                      01/07/08

SONGZAI INTERNATIONAL HOLDING GROUP I   NV       1.01,9.01                      01/07/08

SONOSITE INC                                     2.02,9.01                      01/07/08

SOUTHERN CO                             DE       8.01                           12/21/07

SOUTHERN STAR ENERGY INC.               NV       1.01,9.01                      01/01/08

SPORT SUPPLY GROUP, INC.                DE       7.01,9.01                      01/07/08

SRI SURGICAL EXPRESS INC                FL       5.02,7.01,9.01                 12/31/07

STRUCTURED PRODUCTS CORP CASTSM STEP    DE       8.01,9.01                      01/01/08

STRUCTURED PRODUCTS CORP CORTS TRUST    DE       8.01,9.01                      01/01/08

STRUCTURED PRODUCTS CORP CORTS TRUST    DE       8.01,9.01                      01/01/08

STRUCTURED PRODUCTS CORP CRED ENHANCE   DE       8.01,9.01                      01/01/08

STRUCTURED PRODUCTS CORP TIERS R INFL   DE       8.01,9.01                      01/01/08

Sun American Bancorp                    DE       8.01,9.01                      01/07/08

SUN COMMUNITIES INC                     MD       2.02,8.01,9.01                 01/07/08

SUNTRUST BANKS INC                      GA       5.02,9.01                      02/16/07    AMEND

SUPERIOR ENERGY SERVICES INC            DE       7.01,9.01                      01/07/08

SUPERIOR ENERGY SERVICES INC            DE       1.01,8.01,9.01                 01/01/08

Superior Well Services, INC             DE       7.01,9.01                      01/07/08

SUPERTEL HOSPITALITY INC                VA       8.01,9.01                      01/01/08

SYNTHESIS ENERGY SYSTEMS INC            DE       7.01,9.01                      01/07/08

SYNTHETIC BLOOD INTERNATIONAL INC       NJ       2.03,3.02,9.01                 12/29/07

TAIWAN FUND INC                         DE       7.01,9.01                      11/01/07

TALBOTS INC                             DE       1.01,9.01                      12/31/07

TASKER PRODUCTS CORP                    DE       2.03,3.02                      12/31/07

TELEFLEX INC                            DE       7.01,9.01                      01/07/08

TELEPHONE & DATA SYSTEMS INC /DE/       DE       2.02,8.01,9.01                 01/07/08

TELIK INC                               DE       5.02                           12/31/07

Tennessee Valley Authority                       5.02                           12/31/07

TESSERA TECHNOLOGIES INC                DE       7.01,9.01                      01/07/08

THEATER XTREME ENTERTAINMENT GROUP, I   FL       1.01,9.01                      01/07/08

THERAVANCE INC                          DE       5.02                           01/05/08

THERMOENERGY CORP                       AK       1.01,5.02,9.01                 01/01/08

TIAA REAL ESTATE ACCOUNT                NY       1.01,1.02,9.01                 01/01/08

TransMontaigne Partners L.P.            DE       5.02,9.01                      12/31/07

TREDEGAR CORP                           VA       1.01,8.01,9.01                 01/06/08

TRI-S SECURITY CORP                     GA       1.01,9.01                      12/31/07

Trist Holdings, Inc.                    DE       1.01,2.01,3.02,9.01            12/31/07

Tropical PC, Inc.                       NV       8.01                           12/30/07

UMPQUA HOLDINGS CORP                    OR       7.01,9.01                      01/07/08

United Refining Energy Corp             DE       5.03,9.01                      12/31/07

UNITED STATES CELLULAR CORP             DE       2.02,8.01,9.01                 01/07/08

UNIVERSAL DISPLAY CORP \PA\             PA       1.01                           01/04/08

URON INC                                MN       2.01,3.02,5.01,5.02,9.01       12/31/07

US CONCRETE INC                         DE       8.01,9.01                      01/07/08

US Oncology Holdings, Inc.              DE       5.02,9.01                      01/01/08

VAXGEN INC                              DE       8.01,9.01                      01/07/08

VERISIGN INC/CA                         DE       5.02                           12/31/07

Viacom Inc.                             DE       5.02,9.01                      01/07/08

VIASPACE Inc.                           NV       1.01,2.03                      01/04/08

VIKING SYSTEMS INC                      DE       1.01,3.02,5.02,8.01,9.01       01/04/08

VirnetX Holding Corp                    DE       5.02,7.01,9.01                 12/31/07

VISANT CORP                                      5.02,8.01,9.01                 01/07/08

VISANT HOLDING CORP                              5.02,8.01,9.01                 01/07/08

VISUAL SCIENCES, INC.                   CA       1.01,9.01                      12/31/07

Voyager Learning CO                     DE       1.01,9.01                      01/02/08

VWR Funding, Inc.                       DE       7.01,9.01                      01/07/08

WaferGen Bio-systems, Inc.              NV       7.01,9.01                      01/07/08

WALKER FINANCIAL CORP                   DE       1.01,3.02,9.01                 01/03/08

WALTER INDUSTRIES INC /NEW/             DE       5.02                           01/01/08

WASHINGTON MUTUAL, INC                  WA       5.02,7.01,9.01                 12/31/07

WEBSENSE INC                            DE       8.01,9.01                      01/07/08

WELLPOINT INC                           IN       7.01                           01/07/08

WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKE TECHNOLOGIES C   DE       5.02                           01/02/08

WESTSIDE ENERGY CORP                    NV       1.01,3.02,5.02,5.03,9.01       12/31/07

WGNB CORP                               GA       2.02,9.01                      01/02/08

WHITEMARK HOMES INC                     CO       4.01,9.01                      01/07/08

WHITNEY INFORMATION NETWORK INC         CO       5.02,9.01                      12/31/07

WILLIAMS INDUSTRIES INC                 VA       1.01,9.01                      01/07/08

WORKSTREAM INC                                   1.01                           08/03/07    AMEND

WorldSpace, Inc                         DE       1.01,2.03,3.02,9.01            01/02/08

XERIUM TECHNOLOGIES INC                 DE       5.02,9.01                      01/03/08

XILINX INC                              DE       5.02,9.01                      01/04/08

XL CAPITAL LTD                                   5.02,9.01                      01/07/08

XM SATELLITE RADIO HOLDINGS INC         DE       8.01,9.01                      01/07/08

XTO ENERGY INC                          DE       5.02,9.01                      01/07/08

YELLOWCAKE MINING INC.                           1.01,9.01                      01/07/08

Z TRIM HOLDINGS, INC                    IL       7.01,8.01,9.01                 01/07/08

ZAP                                     CA       5.02,9.01                      12/19/07

ZILA INC                                DE       3.01,9.01                      01/03/08

ZIX CORP                                TX       8.01                           01/07/08

ZIX CORP                                TX       8.01                           01/07/08

Zumiez Inc                                       7.01,9.01                      01/06/08




Modified: 01/08/2008