SEC NEWS DIGEST Issue 2007-50 March 15, 2007 COMMISSION ANNOUNCEMENTS JOAN LOIZEAUX NAMED ASSOCIATE GENERAL COUNSEL FOR ADJUDICATION The Commission announced today the selection of Joan L. Loizeaux to serve as Associate General Counsel for Adjudication. Ms. Loizeaux is currently serving as the Principal Assistant General Counsel for Adjudication. Ms. Loizeaux has been at the Commission since 1992 and before that was a partner at Hogan & Hartson, a partner at Reed Smith Shaw & McClay, and an Assistant General Counsel at the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. Brian Cartwright, SEC General Counsel, said, "Joan brings to our office a wealth of adjudicatory experience as well as the background and experience necessary to assist in the management of the Office of the General Counsel. She has extensive experience in securities law and advising the Commission regarding appeals of decisions issued by administrative law judges and by self-regulatory organizations. She is highly regarded throughout the Commission and her combination of expertise, intellect and judgment makes her exceptionally qualified to serve in this position." Ms. Loizeaux said, "I am very honored by this appointment. I look forward to the opportunity to work with the Commission to serve investors and the public interest. I am lucky to work with such a talented group of attorneys and staff." Ms Loizeaux received her J.D. from the UCLA School of Law in 1972. She received her A.B., magna cum laude, from Occidental College in 1968 and is a member of Phi Beta Kappa. She will succeed Anne Chafer who retired from the Commission in September. Ms. Loizeaux is married and has one son. (Press Rel. 2007-43) COMMISSION ANNOUNCES ADDITIONAL SPEAKER AND PANELISTS FOR MARCH 19 ROUNDTABLE: CREATING INTERACTIVE DATA TO SERVE INVESTORS The Corporate Library CEO Richard Bennett to Address Event The Securities and Exchange Commission announced today panelists participating in the March 19 SEC roundtable on the use of interactive data by public companies and mutual funds to improve disclosure for individual investors. The Commission also announced that, following the panel discussion, Richard A. Bennett, CEO of The Corporate Library, will discuss the role that interactive data will play in supporting good governance at public companies. The roundtable will begin at 10:00 a.m. with brief remarks by Chairman Cox, followed by an opening address by John J. Brennan, Chairman and CEO of the Vanguard Group. Mr. Brennan is expected to discuss how interactive data will allow investors to easily gather and compare mutual fund risk and return information that might otherwise be buried within disclosure documents. Following Mr. Brennan's remarks, John W. White, Director of the Commission's Division of Corporation Finance, will discuss the use of interactive data to create better disclosure documents. The roundtable will also feature a panel discussion on the benefits, including potential cost savings, of preparing financial reports using interactive data written in a computer language called XBRL. Panelists will include executives at public companies currently providing investors with interactive data on a test basis as part of the SEC's voluntary filing program. The panel will be moderated by Chicago Sun- Times personal finance columnist Terry Savage and feature the following panelists: Rob Blake, Vice President, Domain and Taxonomies, XBRL US, Inc. James Cinquegrana, IT Team Leader, General Electric Company Elmer H. Huh, Senior Vice President, Enterprise Valuation Group, Fixed Income Department, Lehman Brothers Inc. Thomas D. Jacob, Financial Manager, External Reporting, 3M Company K. R. Kent, Vice Chairman and Chief Financial Officer, Ford Motor Credit Company Clare O'Leary, Director of Special Projects, Pfizer Inc. Patsy J. Ramsey, Director of External Reporting, The Dow Chemical Company Nicholas M. Rolli, Vice President, Investor Relations and Financial Communications, Altria Corporate Services, Inc. Lawrence J. Salva, Senior Vice President, Chief Accounting Officer and Controller, Comcast Corporation Andrea Stegall, Vice President - Corporate Governance Compliance, South Financial Group, Inc. Harold I. Zeidman, Partner, Department of Professional Practice - Audit and Risk, KPMG LLP The roundtable will be held in the Auditorium at the Commission's headquarters at 100 F Street, N.E., Washington, D.C., from 10:00 a.m. to noon. The roundtable will be open to the public with seating on a first-come, first-served basis. Doors will open at 9:30 a.m. Visitors will be subject to security checks. Materials related to the roundtable, including the day's agenda, are accessible at Real time and archived audio and video webcasts will be accessible at The Commission welcomes feedback on any aspect of the use of interactive data. The information that is submitted will become part of the public record of the roundtable. Submissions to the Commission may be provided by any of the following methods: Electronic submissions: Use the Commission's Internet submission form at or Send an e-mail to Please include File Number 4- 515 on the subject line. Paper submissions: Send paper submissions in triplicate to Nancy M. Morris, Secretary, Securities and Exchange Commission, 100 F Street, N.E., Washington, D.C. 20549-1090. All submissions should refer to File Number 4-515. This file number should be included on the subject line if e-mail is used. To help process and review your submissions more efficiently, please use only one method. The Commission will post all submissions on the Commission's Internet Web site at 515.shtml. Please note that all submissions received will be posted without change; the SEC does not edit personal identifying information from submissions. You should submit only information that you wish to make available publicly. (Press Rel. 2007-44) ENFORCEMENT PROCEEDINGS SEC SETTLES WITH FORMER RAYTHEON OFFICERS FOR IMPROPER DISCLOSURE AND ACCOUNTING PRACTICES Former CFO, Controller, and Subsidiary CFO Agree To Pay Over $1.5 Million in Disgorgement and Penalties The Commission announced today that it has instituted settled enforcement proceedings against three former financial officers of Raytheon Company and one of its subsidiaries. The SEC charged that they were each involved in or aware of certain improper accounting practices that operated as a fraud by failing to adequately and accurately disclose the deteriorating financial results and business of Raytheon's commercial aircraft manufacturing subsidiary. The SEC also charged that each officer was involved in or aware of certain false and misleading disclosures in Raytheon's periodic reports. Named in the SEC's enforcement actions were Franklyn A. Caine, the former CFO of Raytheon, Edward S. Pliner, Raytheon's former Controller and former lead auditor, and James E. Gray, the former CFO of Raytheon Aircraft Company (RAC). Without admitting or denying the SEC's allegations or findings, Caine, Pliner, and Gray agreed to pay more than $1.5 million combined to settle the Commission's charges. According to the allegations in SEC's complaints filed today in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia: * Between 1997 and 1999, Raytheon improperly recognized revenue on RAC's sale of unfinished aircraft through "bill and hold" sales transactions that did not comply with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. These practices resulted in material overstatements of RAC's reported annual net sales revenue and operating income in 1997 and 1998, enabling both RAC and Raytheon to meet certain internal and external earnings targets. According to the SEC, Gray was personally involved in these premature revenue recognition practices, and Pliner was aware of them as the company's lead outside auditor. * Between 1997 and 2001, there were certain improper disclosure and accounting practices at Raytheon related to RAC's commuter aircraft business, including the failure to adequately disclose in the company's periodic reports material risks, trends, and uncertainties associated with the deterioration of that business line. These practices resulted in the failure to recognize between $67 million and $240 million in losses that were inherent in a planned "soft landing" of the commuter aircraft line at year-end 2000, which would have reduced Raytheon's 2000 profit before taxes by 8 to 27 percent. These losses were instead improperly taken during the third quarter of 2001, when Raytheon recorded a $693 million charge related to its commuter assets after September 11, 2001. Given the charge that should have been taken at year-end 2000, Raytheon's third quarter 2001 commuter loss provision was overstated by 10 to 53 percent. According to the SEC, as the company's CFO, Caine was personally involved in and aware of these practices throughout 2000 and 2001. In addition, as Raytheon's lead auditor between 1997 and 1999, and as the company's Controller in 2000 and 2001, Pliner was aware of and later personally involved in these improper practices. In an Administrative Order issued today, the SEC found that, during 2000 and 2001, Caine violated Sections 17(a)(2) and 17(a)(3) of the Securities Act of 1933 and caused Raytheon's violations of Sections 13(a) and 13(b)(2)(A) and 13(b)(2)(B) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and Exchange Act Rules 12b-20, 13a-1, 13a-13, and 13b2-1. Caine was ordered to cease and desist from committing or causing the violations charged as well as any future violations of these provisions. Caine also consented to the entry of a final judgment in the related civil action for the purposes of awarding civil monetary penalties and disgorgement. As part of the settlement, Caine consented to pay $706,072 in disgorgement of certain past bonus amounts plus pre-judgment interest, and a $125,000 civil penalty. In addition, Pliner consented to the entry of a court order, which permanently enjoins him from violating Sections 17(a)(2) and 17(a)(3) of the Securities Act and from aiding and abetting violations of Sections 13(a) and 13(b)(2)(A) and 13(b)(2)(B) of the Exchange Act, and Exchange Act Rules 12b-20, 13a-1, 13a-13, and 13b2-1. Pliner was ordered to pay $415,042 in disgorgement of certain past bonus amounts plus pre-judgment interest, and a $150,000 civil penalty. Pliner also consented to the entry of a Commission order that will suspend him, based on entry of the injunction in the related civil action, from appearing and practicing before the Commission as an accountant for three years pursuant to Rule 102(e)(3) of the Commission's Rules of Practice. Finally, Gray consented to the entry of a court order, which permanently enjoins him from violating Sections 17(a)(2) and 17(a)(3) of the Securities Act and from aiding and abetting violations of Sections 13(a) and 13(b)(2)(A) and 13(b)(2)(B) of the Exchange Act, and Exchange Act Rules 12b-20, 13a-1, 13a-13, and 13b2-1. Gray was also ordered to pay disgorgement of certain past bonus amounts and pre-judgment interest in the total amount of $105,753. For additional information concerning this matter, see Litigation Release No. LR-19747 (June 28, 2006) and Administrative Proceeding Release No. 33-8715 (June 28, 2006). [SEC v. Franklyn A. Caine, Civil Action No. 07-CV-00494 (GK) D.D.C.; SEC v. Edward S. Pliner, Civil Action No. 07-CV-00495 (GK) D.D.C.; SEC v. James E. Gray, Civil Action No. 07-CV-00496 (GK) D.D.C.] (LR-20041; AAE Rel. 2577); Administrative Proceeding - (Rels. 33-8790; 34-55476; AAE Rel. 2578; File No. 3- 12592) SELF-REGULATORY ORGANIZATIONS APPROVAL OF PROPOSED RULE CHANGES The Commission granted approval to a proposed rule change (SR- NYSEArca-2006-51) submitted by NYSE Arca relating to amendments to registration rules of NYSE Arca Equities, Inc. Publication is expected in the Federal Register during the week of March 19. (Rel. 34-55446) The Commission granted approval to a proposed rule change (SR- NYSEArca-2006-50) submitted by NYSE Arca relating to amendments to registration rules of NYSE Arca Equities, Inc. Publication is expected in the Federal Register during the week of March 19. (Rel. 34-55447) The Commission approved a proposed rule change (SR-Amex-2007-08) submitted by the American Stock Exchange to establish a Passive Price Improvement order for Specialists and Registered Traders. Publication is expected in the Federal Register during the week of March 19. (Rel. 34-55464) IMMEDIATE EFFECTIVENESS OF PROPOSED RULE CHANGES A proposed rule change (SR-BSE-2007-11) filed by the Boston Stock Exchange to amend the existing fee schedules has become effective under Section 19(b)(3)(A) of the Act. Publication is expected in the Federal Register during the week of March 19. (Rel. 34-55450) A proposed rule change (SR-Amex-2007-28) filed by the American Stock Exchange relating to transaction charges for equities, ETFs, and Nasdaq UTP securities has become immediately effective pursuant to Section 19(b)(3)(A) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Publication is expected in the Federal Register during the week of March 19. (Rel. 34-55459) A proposed rule change (SR-Amex-2007-30) filed by the American Stock Exchange relating to transaction charges for equities and ETFs has become immediately effective pursuant to Section 19(b)(3)(A) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Publication is expected in the Federal Register during the week of March 19. (Rel. 34-55460) A proposed rule change (SR-NASD-2007-013) filed by the National Association of Securities Dealers relating to portfolio margin has become effective under Section 19(b)(3)(A) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Publication is expected in the Federal Register during the week of March 19. (Rel. 34-55471) SECURITIES ACT REGISTRATIONS The following registration statements have been filed with the SEC under the Securities Act of 1933. The reported information appears as follows: Form, Name, Address and Phone Number (if available) of the issuer of the security; Title and the number and/or face amount of the securities being offered; Name of the managing underwriter or depositor (if applicable); File number and date filed; Assigned Branch; and a designation if the statement is a New Issue. Registration statements may be obtained in person or by writing to the Commission's Public Reference Branch at 100 F Street, N.E., Washington, D.C. 20549-1090 or at the following e-mail box address: . In most cases, this information is also available on the Commission's website: . SB-2 K-Care Nutritional Products Inc., UNIT D - 1275 EAST 27TH STREET, NORTH VANCOUVER, A1, V7J1S5, 6049860016 - 2,115,500 ($211,550.00) Equity, (File 333-141271 - Mar. 14) (BR. 02) S-8 Switch & Data Facilities Company, Inc., 1715 NORTH WESTSHORE BOULEVARD, SUITE 650, TAMPA, FL, 33607, 813-207-7700 - 0 ($74,107,629.68) Equity, (File 333-141272 - Mar. 14) (BR. 11B) S-1 Polypore International, Inc., (704) 588-5310 - 0 ($362,250,000.00) Equity, (File 333-141273 - Mar. 14) (BR. 06A) S-1 Houston Wire & Cable CO, 10201 NORTH LOOP EAST, HOUSTON, TX, 77029, (713) 609-2100 - 0 ($163,627,750.00) Equity, (File 333-141274 - Mar. 14) (BR. 10) S-8 KNOT INC, 462 BROADWAY 6TH FLOOR, NEW YORK, NY, 10013, 2122198555 - 1,235,318 ($28,548,199.00) Equity, (File 333-141275 - Mar. 14) (BR. 02B) S-8 DREW INDUSTRIES INC, 200 MAMARONECK AVE, WHITE PLAINS, NY, 10601, 9144289098 - 600,000 ($16,953,000.00) Equity, (File 333-141276 - Mar. 14) (BR. 05A) S-8 PANACOS PHARMACEUTICALS, INC., 134 COOLIDGE AVE, WATERTOWN, MA, 02472, 617-926-1551 - 3,025,000 ($12,430,832.00) Equity, (File 333-141277 - Mar. 14) (BR. 01C) S-8 PNM RESOURCES INC, ALVARADO SQUARE, NEW MEXICO, ALBUQUERQUE, NM, 87158, 5052412700 - 0 ($3,000,000.00) Equity, (File 333-141281 - Mar. 14) (BR. 02A) S-8 PNM RESOURCES INC, ALVARADO SQUARE, NEW MEXICO, ALBUQUERQUE, NM, 87158, 5052412700 - 75,000 ($22,265,000.00) Equity, (File 333-141282 - Mar. 14) (BR. 02A) S-8 FOXHOLLOW TECHNOLOGIES, INC., 740 BAY ROAD, REDWOOD CITY, CA, 94063-2469, 650-421-8400 - 2,056,539 ($40,972,134.50) Equity, (File 333-141285 - Mar. 14) (BR. 10B) S-4 HSW International, Inc., 3350 PEACHTREE ROAD, SUITE 1500, ATLANTA, GA, 30326, (404) 364-5823 - 0 ($146,659,858.29) Equity, (File 333-141286 - Mar. 14) (BR. 11) S-8 MAXYGEN INC, 515 GALVESTON DRIVE, REDWOOD CITY, CA, 94063, 6502985300 - 0 ($7,233,321.60) Equity, (File 333-141287 - Mar. 14) (BR. 01B) SB-2 Mar Ked Mineral Exploration, Inc., 555 JERVIS STREET, SUITE 1602, VANCOUVER, A1, V6E 1N1, 604-647-0630 - 5,900,000 ($295,000.00) Equity, (File 333-141288 - Mar. 14) (BR. ) S-1 Beneficial Mutual Bancorp Inc, 510 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA, 19106, 215-864-6000 - 0 ($364,399,750.00) Equity, (File 333-141289 - Mar. 14) (BR. ) F-3D FORDING CANADIAN COAL TRUST, SUITE 1000, 205-9TH AVE SE, CALGARY, A0, T2G 0R4, 10,000,000 ($219,500,000.00) Equity, (File 333-141290 - Mar. 14) (BR. 04B) S-8 RAPTOR NETWORKS TECHNOLOGY INC, 1241 E. DYER ROAD, SUITE 150, SANTA ANA, CA, 92705, (949) 623-9300 - 1,275,000 ($1,275,000.00) Equity, (File 333-141291 - Mar. 14) (BR. 03B) F-6 eTelecare Global Solutions, Inc., 31ST FLOOR CYBERONE BUILDING, EASTWOOD CITY, CYBERPARK BAGUMBAYAN, QUEZON CITY METRO MANILA, R6, 1110, 6329165670 - 100,000,000 ($5,000,000.00) Equity, (File 333-141293 - Mar. 14) (BR. 08) S-3 EURONET WORLDWIDE INC, HORVAT UTCA 14-24, BUDAPEST, K5, 1027, 36-1-224-1000 - 6,374,528 ($166,853,270.40) Equity, (File 333-141294 - Mar. 14) (BR. 11C) S-3 ENDWAVE CORP, 130 BAYTECH DRIVE, SAN JOSE, CA, 95134, (408)522-3100 - 3,000,000 ($37,500,000.00) Equity, (File 333-141295 - Mar. 14) (BR. 11C) S-8 MICRON ENVIRO SYSTEMS INC, 789 WEST PENDER ST, SUITE 1250, VANCOUVER BC, A1, V6C 1H2, 6046466903 - 10,000,000 ($655,000.00) Equity, (File 333-141297 - Mar. 14) (BR. 04A) S-8 POLO RALPH LAUREN CORP, 650 MADISON AVENUE, NEW YORK, NY, 10022, 2123187000 - 6,000,000 ($513,000,000.00) Equity, (File 333-141298 - Mar. 14) (BR. 02C) S-8 Spirit AeroSystems Holdings, Inc., 3801 SOUTH OLIVER, WICHITA, KS, 67210, (316) 526-1100 - 0 ($138,425,591.92) Equity, (File 333-141299 - Mar. 14) (BR. 05C) S-3ASR CHATTEM INC, 1715 W 38TH ST, CHATTANOOGA, TN, 37409, 4238214571 - 0 ($125,000,000.00) Debt Convertible into Equity, (File 333-141300 - Mar. 14) (BR. 01A) S-4 CONAGRA FOODS INC /DE/, ONE CONAGRA DR, OMAHA, NE, 68102, 4025954000 - 0 ($499,999,000.00) Non-Convertible Debt, (File 333-141301 - Mar. 14) (BR. 04A) S-3ASR DELTA PETROLEUM CORP/CO, 370 SEVENTEENTH STREET, SUITE 4300, DENVER, CO, 80202, 3032939133 - 0 ($13,820,820.00) Equity, 0 ($0.00) Unallocated (Universal) Shelf, (File 333-141303 - Mar. 14) (BR. 04A) RECENT 8K FILINGS Form 8-K is used by companies to file current reports on the following events: 1.01 Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement 1.02 Termination of a Material Definitive Agreement 1.03 Bankruptcy or Receivership 2.01 Completion of Acquisition or Disposition of Assets 2.02 Results of Operations and Financial Condition 2.03 Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant 2.04 Triggering Events That Accelerate or Increase a Direct Financial Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement 2.05 Cost Associated with Exit or Disposal Activities 2.06 Material Impairments 3.01 Notice of Delisting or Failure to Satisfy a Continued Listing Rule or Standard; Transfer of Listing 3.02 Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities 3.03 Material Modifications to Rights of Security Holders 4.01 Changes in Registrant's Certifying Accountant 4.02 Non-Reliance on Previously Issued Financial Statements or a Related Audit Report or Completed Interim Review 5.01 Changes in Control of Registrant 5.02 Departure of Directors or Principal Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Principal Officers 5.03 Amendments to Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws; Change in Fiscal Year 5.04 Temporary Suspension of Trading Under Registrant's Employee Benefit Plans 5.05 Amendments to the Registrant's Code of Ethics, or Waiver of a Provision of the Code of Ethics 6.01. ABS Informational and Computational Material. 6.02. Change of Servicer or Trustee. 6.03. Change in Credit Enhancement or Other External Support. 6.04. Failure to Make a Required Distribution. 6.05. Securities Act Updating Disclosure. 7.01 Regulation FD Disclosure 8.01 Other Events 9.01 Financial Statements and Exhibits 8-K reports may be obtained in person or by writing to the Commission's Public Reference Branch at 100 F Street, N.E., Washington, D.C. 20549-1090 or at the following e-mail box address: . In most cases, this information is also available on the Commission's website: . STATE 8K ITEM NO. NAME OF ISSUER CODE DATE COMMENT 21ST CENTURY INSURANCE GROUP CA 5.02 03/08/07 310 HOLDINGS, INC. NV 8.01,9.01 03/14/07 ACCREDITED HOME LENDERS HOLDING CO DE 8.01,9.01 03/12/07 ACCURIDE CORP DE 1.01,9.01 03/13/07 Aces Wired Inc NV 8.01 03/08/07 Aces Wired Inc NV 1.01,5.02,9.01 03/08/07 ADAMS GOLF INC DE 2.02,9.01 03/14/07 ADUDDELL INDUSTRIES INC CO 2.01,9.01 03/08/07 ADVANCED ANALOGIC TECHNOLOGIES INC DE 5.02 03/08/07 Affinity Group Holding, Inc. DE 8.01,9.01 03/09/07 AFFINITY GROUP INC DE 8.01,9.01 03/09/07 AFFORDABLE RESIDENTIAL COMMUNITIES IN MD 8.01,9.01 03/14/07 AFP IMAGING CORP NY 1.01,9.01 03/14/07 Agassiz Energy, LLC MN 2.03 03/09/07 Agfeed Industries, Inc NV 8.01,9.01 03/14/07 AIRGAS INC DE 2.01,8.01,9.01 03/09/07 Akeena Solar, Inc. DE 1.01,3.02,8.01,9.01 03/08/07 ALLIANCEBERNSTEIN HOLDING L.P. DE 7.01,9.01 03/13/07 ALLIANCEBERNSTEIN L.P. DE 7.01,9.01 03/13/07 ALLIED WORLD ASSURANCE CO HOLDINGS LT 8.01,9.01 03/14/07 ALTUS EXPLORATIONS INC NV 3.02,9.01 03/08/07 AMEREN CORP MO 1.01,2.03,9.01 03/09/07 AMERICAN HOMEPATIENT INC DE 2.02,9.01 03/13/07 AMERICAN PHYSICIANS CAPITAL INC MI 5.02,9.01 03/08/07 AMERICAN TECHNICAL CERAMICS CORP DE 1.01,2.03 03/09/07 AMERICAN VANGUARD CORP DE 2.02 03/08/07 AMEND AMERIGROUP CORP 7.01,8.01,9.01 03/13/07 AMREIT TX 2.02,9.01 03/13/07 ANADIGICS INC DE 7.01,8.01,9.01 03/14/07 ANTIGENICS INC /DE/ DE 5.02,9.01 03/08/07 APCO ARGENTINA INC/NEW 2.02,9.01 03/13/07 Argyle Security Acquisition CORP 1.01,9.01 03/14/07 Arran Funding LTD XX 1.01,9.01 03/14/07 ASTRONICS CORP NY 2.02,9.01 03/14/07 ATMEL CORP DE 3.01,9.01 03/08/07 ATS CORP DE 7.01,9.01 03/14/07 ATS CORP DE 3.03,9.01 03/14/07 AVANIR PHARMACEUTICALS CA 5.02 03/12/07 AVI BIOPHARMA INC OR 1.01,7.01,8.01 01/08/07 AXIS CAPITAL HOLDINGS LTD 5.02 03/08/07 BABYUNIVERSE, INC. FL 8.01,9.01 03/14/07 Banc of America Commercial Mortgage I DE 8.01,9.01 03/13/07 Banc of America Funding 2007-2 Trust DE 8.01,9.01 02/27/07 Banc of America Mortgage 2007-1 Trust DE 8.01,9.01 02/27/07 BCAP LLC Trust 2007-AA1 8.01,9.01 02/27/07 BEA SYSTEMS INC DE 1.01 03/09/07 BIG SKY ENERGY CORP NV 5.02 03/12/07 BIOFORCE NANOSCIENCES HOLDINGS, INC. NV 4.02 03/13/07 AMEND BIOJECT MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES INC OR 5.02 03/08/07 BIOLASE TECHNOLOGY INC DE 2.02,9.01 03/14/07 BIOSTEM, INC. NV 1.01,9.01 02/28/07 BIRNER DENTAL MANAGEMENT SERVICES INC CO 8.01 03/14/07 BJs RESTAURANTS INC CA 8.01,9.01 03/14/07 BLACKHAWK CAPITAL GROUP BDC INC DE 1.01 03/14/07 BODYTEL SCIENTIFIC INC. NV 8.01,9.01 03/14/07 BODYTEL SCIENTIFIC INC. NV 8.01,9.01 03/14/07 BRE PROPERTIES INC /MD/ MD 8.01,9.01 03/13/07 BRUNSWICK CORP DE 5.02 03/13/07 BSD MEDICAL CORP DE 7.01,9.01 03/14/07 BUCA INC /MN MN 2.02 03/13/07 AMEND CABELAS INC DE 1.01,9.01 03/08/07 CABELAS INC DE 1.01,9.01 03/08/07 AMEND CANO PETROLEUM, INC 5.02 03/12/07 CARDINAL FINANCIAL CORP VA 7.01 03/13/07 CATALINA MARKETING CORP/DE DE 1.01,3.03,7.01,9.01 03/08/07 CB RICHARD ELLIS GROUP INC DE 7.01,9.01 03/14/07 CB RICHARD ELLIS GROUP INC DE 5.02 03/08/07 CCH II LLC 5.02,9.01 03/14/07 CCO HOLDINGS LLC 5.02,9.01 03/14/07 CELSION CORP MD 5.02,9.01 03/12/07 CENTENNIAL COMMUNICATIONS CORP /DE DE 5.02,9.01 03/14/07 CENTERSTATE BANKS OF FLORIDA INC FL 5.02 03/14/07 CHARMING SHOPPES INC PA 7.01,9.01 03/12/07 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS HOLDINGS LLC DE 5.02,9.01 03/14/07 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS INC /MO/ DE 5.02,9.01 03/14/07 Chase Mortgage Finance Trust Series 2 DE 8.01,9.01 03/14/07 CHINACAST EDUCATION CORP DE 4.01,9.01 02/28/07 AMEND CHIQUITA BRANDS INTERNATIONAL INC NJ 1.01,9.01 03/14/07 Churchill Ventures LTD 8.01,9.01 03/06/07 CIT GROUP INC DE 5.02,9.01 03/12/07 CITIBANK OMNI-S MASTER TRUST 8.01,9.01 03/14/07 CITRIX SYSTEMS INC DE 4.02,7.01,9.01 03/14/07 CLAIRES STORES INC DE 8.01,9.01 03/13/07 CLARIENT, INC DE 9.01 03/08/07 AMEND CLEAN HARBORS INC MA 2.02,9.01 03/14/07 CLEAR CHANNEL COMMUNICATIONS INC TX 8.01,9.01 03/13/07 CLEVELAND CLIFFS INC OH 8.01 03/13/07 CMS ENERGY CORP MI 1.01,2.01,9.01 03/13/07 CNL INCOME PROPERTIES INC MD 9.01 12/22/06 AMEND COAST DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM INC DE 7.01,9.01 03/08/07 AMEND COCA COLA BOTTLING CO CONSOLIDATED /D DE 2.03,9.01 03/08/07 COMCAST CORP PA 8.01,9.01 02/26/07 COMMUNITY BANKS INC /PA/ PA 1.01,2.03,9.01 03/09/07 COMPUTER HORIZONS CORP NY 3.01,9.01 03/09/07 CONOLOG CORP DE 1.01,3.02,9.01 03/12/07 CONSUMERS FINANCIAL CORP PA 4.01,9.01 02/21/07 AMEND CRDENTIA CORP DE 1.01,5.02,9.01 03/08/07 CRITICAL THERAPEUTICS INC DE 1.01,7.01 03/13/07 CROGHAN BANCSHARES INC OH 5.02 03/13/07 CRYO CELL INTERNATIONAL INC DE 2.02,9.01 03/14/07 Cyclacel Pharmaceuticals, Inc. DE 5.02 03/09/07 CYPRESS BIOSCIENCE INC DE 2.02,9.01 03/14/07 CYPRESS SEMICONDUCTOR CORP /DE/ DE 1.01,2.03,3.02,8.01,9.01 03/07/07 DEARBORN BANCORP INC /MI/ MI 8.01,9.01 01/04/07 AMEND DENDREON CORP DE 2.02,9.01 03/14/07 DENNYS CORP DE 1.01,9.01 03/08/07 DENTAL PATIENT CARE AMERICA INC UT 1.01,2.01,9.01 03/09/07 DEPOMED INC CA 2.02,9.01 03/14/07 Deutsche Alt-A Securities Mortgage Lo 8.01,9.01 03/14/07 Deutsche Alt-A Securities Mortgage Lo 8.01,9.01 03/14/07 DIAMOND DISCOVERIES INTERNATIONAL COR DE 5.02,9.01 03/13/07 Diamond I, Inc. DE 1.01,7.01,9.01 03/09/07 DIGITAL RIVER INC /DE DE 7.01 03/12/07 DIOMED HOLDINGS INC NV 7.01,9.01 03/14/07 DIRECT INSITE CORP DE 5.02 03/12/07 DOWNEY FINANCIAL CORP DE 7.01,9.01 02/28/07 Dynegy Acquisition, Inc. DE 8.01,9.01 03/14/07 Eagle Bulk Shipping Inc. 7.01,9.01 03/12/07 EASTMAN KODAK CO NJ 5.02,9.01 03/14/07 ECOLLEGE COM DE 2.02,8.01,9.01 03/14/07 Eddie Bauer Holdings, Inc. DE 2.02,7.01,9.01 03/14/07 eHealth, Inc. DE 5.02 03/08/07 EMDEON CORP DE 5.02 03/08/07 ENDO PHARMACEUTICALS HOLDINGS INC DE 7.01,9.01 03/14/07 ENERGY PARTNERS LTD DE 1.01,9.01 03/13/07 ENESCO GROUP INC IL 4.01,9.01 03/08/07 EON COMMUNICATIONS CORP DE 8.01 03/14/07 EPIC CAPITAL GROUP, INC. CO 8.01 03/09/07 EQUINIX INC DE 1.01,3.02 03/12/07 EURONET WORLDWIDE INC DE 8.01,9.01 03/12/07 EURONET WORLDWIDE INC DE 8.01 03/14/07 EVOLVING SYSTEMS INC DE 2.02,7.01 03/12/07 EXELON CORP PA 7.01,9.01 03/14/07 EXPLORATION CO OF DELAWARE INC DE 2.02,9.01 03/13/07 EXPRESS SCRIPTS INC DE 8.01,9.01 03/14/07 FAIRPOINT COMMUNICATIONS INC DE 7.01,8.01,9.01 03/14/07 FBL FINANCIAL GROUP INC IA 1.01,2.03,9.01 03/12/07 FEDEX CORP DE 5.03,9.01 03/12/07 FIRST DATA CORP DE 5.02 03/11/07 First Federal of Northern Michigan Ba 8.01,9.01 03/13/07 FIRST INDIANA CORP IN 8.01,9.01 03/09/07 FIRST MARINER BANCORP MD 1.01,5.02,9.01 01/08/07 FIRSTCITY FINANCIAL CORP DE 7.01,9.01 03/13/07 FISHER COMMUNICATIONS INC WA 5.02 03/08/07 FLEETWOOD ENTERPRISES INC/DE/ DE 2.02,9.01 03/08/07 FOOTHILLS RESOURCES INC 8.01,9.01 03/14/07 FOOTSTAR INC DE 8.01 03/14/07 Fortress International Group, Inc. DE 2.02,9.01 03/14/07 FRIEDMAN BILLINGS RAMSEY GROUP INC VA 8.01 03/13/07 Frontier Airlines Holdings, Inc. DE 8.01,9.01 03/08/07 GALAXY ENERGY CORP CO 1.01,9.01 03/12/07 GALAXY NUTRITIONAL FOODS INC DE 5.02 03/08/07 GALLERY OF HISTORY INC NV 5.02 03/12/07 GAP INC DE 5.02,9.01 03/09/07 GateHouse Media, Inc. DE 1.01,9.01 03/13/07 GENERAL DATACOMM INDUSTRIES INC DE 1.01,2.03,9.01 03/09/07 General Finance CORP DE 1.01,8.01,9.01 03/08/07 GENTA INC DE/ DE 1.01,9.01 03/13/07 GENVEC INC DE 2.02,9.01 03/14/07 GEOKINETICS INC DE 5.02,9.01 03/08/07 GILEAD SCIENCES INC DE 5.02 03/09/07 GLIMCHER REALTY TRUST MD 5.02 03/08/07 GLOBAL INDUSTRIES LTD LA 5.02 03/08/07 GOLD STANDARD INC UT 4.01 03/12/07 GOLDEN STAR RESOURCES LTD 2.02,9.01 03/14/07 GOODRICH PETROLEUM CORP DE 2.02,9.01 03/13/07 GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER CO /OH/ OH 5.02 03/14/07 Gottaplay Interactive, Inc. NV 1.01,2.01,3.02 02/28/07 GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA CO INC MD 8.01 03/13/07 GSR Mortgage Loan Trust 2007-1F DE 8.01,9.01 02/28/07 GTSI CORP DE 8.01 03/13/07 HANOVER GOLD CO INC DE 2.01 03/08/07 HEALTH NET INC DE 8.01 03/13/07 HEALTHSOUTH CORP DE 1.01,9.01 03/12/07 HEALTHWAYS, INC DE 7.01 03/14/07 HERBST GAMING INC NV 2.02,9.01 03/14/07 HERCULES OFFSHORE, INC. DE 5.02,9.01 03/08/07 HERITAGE WORLDWIDE INC 5.02 03/09/07 HIBBETT SPORTS INC 2.02,7.01,9.01 03/14/07 HICKORY TECH CORP MN 2.02,7.01,9.01 03/14/07 HINES REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT TRUST IN 8.01 03/14/07 Home Equity Loan Trust 2007-HSA1 8.01,9.01 03/14/07 HORIZON OFFSHORE INC DE 5.02 03/09/07 HOT TOPIC INC /CA/ CA 2.02,9.01 03/14/07 HOTEL OUTSOURCE MANAGEMENT INTERNATIO DE 8.01 03/13/07 HOUSING PROGRAMS LTD CA 1.01,2.01 03/08/07 Houston Wire & Cable CO 2.02 03/14/07 Hyde Park Acquisition CORP DE 8.01,9.01 03/13/07 ICO Global Communications (Holdings) DE 5.02 03/12/07 ICO INC TX 7.01 03/12/07 ICU MEDICAL INC/DE DE 1.01 03/13/07 IndyMac INDX Mortgage Loan Trust 2007 8.01,9.01 02/27/07 INN OF THE MOUNTAIN GODS RESORTS & CA 2.02,9.01 03/13/07 INNKEEPERS USA TRUST/FL MD 8.01,9.01 03/14/07 INNOCOM TECHNOLOGY HOLDINGS, INC. NV 7.01,8.01,9.01 03/13/07 INNOVO GROUP INC DE 1.01,2.01,9.01 05/17/05 AMEND INSIGHT ENTERPRISES INC DE 3.01 03/12/07 INSITE VISION INC DE 2.02,9.01 03/14/07 INTERMOUNTAIN REFINING CO INC NM 2.01 02/28/07 INTERSECTIONS INC DE 1.01 03/08/07 ISLAND PACIFIC INC DE 5.02,9.01 03/14/07 ISTA PHARMACEUTICALS INC DE 1.01,2.03,9.01 03/12/07 Ithaka Acquisition Corp DE 1.01,9.01 02/23/07 IVI COMMUNICATIONS INC NV 3.02,5.03,9.01 03/12/07 J CREW GROUP INC DE 2.02,9.01 03/13/07 J P MORGAN CHASE & CO DE 9.01 03/09/07 J.P. Morgan Alternative Loan Trust 20 DE 8.01,9.01 03/14/07 J2 GLOBAL COMMUNICATIONS INC DE 8.01,9.01 03/14/07 J2 GLOBAL COMMUNICATIONS INC DE 8.01,9.01 03/14/07 AMEND JACLYN INC DE 3.02,9.01 03/06/07 JANUS CAPITAL GROUP INC DE 5.02,9.01 03/12/07 JARDEN CORP DE 1.01,1.02,5.02,9.01 03/09/07 Jazz Technologies, Inc. DE 5.02 03/12/07 JEWETT CAMERON TRADING CO LTD OR 8.01 03/13/07 Keewatin Windpower Corp. NV 3.02 03/13/07 KENEXA CORP 5.02 03/08/07 Kentucky First Federal Bancorp 8.01,9.01 03/13/07 KNOVA SOFTWARE, INC. DE 1.02,2.01,3.01,3.03,5.01,5.02, 03/13/07 5.03,8.01,9.01 KRONOS WORLDWIDE INC 2.02,7.01,9.01 03/12/07 L 3 COMMUNICATIONS HOLDINGS INC DE 8.01 03/14/07 LAKE AREA CORN PROCESSORS LLC 7.01,9.01 03/14/07 LAKES ENTERTAINMENT INC MN 7.01,9.01 03/12/07 LANCE INC NC 5.02,9.01 03/08/07 LAND O LAKES INC 8.01 03/12/07 LB-UBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2007 8.01,9.01 02/27/07 LB-UBS Commercial Mortgage Trust 2007 8.01,9.01 02/27/07 LEHMAN ABS CORP BELLSOUTH CAPITAL FUN DE 8.01,9.01 02/28/07 LEHMAN ABS CORP BELLSOUTH DEBT- BACKE DE 8.01,9.01 02/28/07 LEHMAN BROTHERS HOLDINGS INC DE 2.02,9.01 03/14/07 LEHMAN BROTHERS HOLDINGS INC DE 9.01 03/09/07 Lev Pharmaceuticals Inc DE 8.01,9.01 03/14/07 LEVEL 3 COMMUNICATIONS INC DE 7.01 03/14/07 LIGHTBRIDGE INC DE 2.05 10/10/06 AMEND LILLY ELI & CO IN 8.01,9.01 03/07/07 LIME ENERGY CO. DE 8.01,9.01 03/13/07 Lincoln Park Bancorp 1.01,9.01 03/08/07 LIQUIDITY SERVICES INC 8.01,9.01 03/14/07 LPATH, INC NV 8.01 03/08/07 LSB FINANCIAL CORP IN 2.02,9.01 03/13/07 MACDERMID INC CT 7.01,9.01 03/14/07 MASTR Adjustable Rate Mortgages Trust DE 8.01,9.01 03/14/07 MAUI LAND & PINEAPPLE CO INC HI 5.02,9.01 03/12/07 MAXIMUS INC VA 8.01,9.01 03/13/07 MAXYGEN INC DE 2.02 02/06/07 AMEND Measurement Specialties Inc NJ 5.02,9.01 03/14/07 MedaSorb Technologies CORP 8.01 02/25/07 MEDCATH CORP DE 8.01,9.01 03/13/07 Medical Exchange Inc. NV 1.01,2.01,2.03,9.01 03/07/07 MEDIS TECHNOLOGIES LTD DE 2.02,9.01 03/14/07 MEGOLA INC 4.01,9.01 03/13/07 MELLON BANK N A MA 8.01,9.01 03/09/07 MEMORY PHARMACEUTICALS CORP 8.01,9.01 03/13/07 MERRIMAC INDUSTRIES INC DE 1.01,3.03,9.01 03/13/07 METALICO INC 7.01,9.01 03/13/07 MIDDLEBY CORP DE 5.02,9.01 03/08/07 MIDDLESEX WATER CO NJ 8.01 03/14/07 MILLER INDUSTRIES INC /TN/ TN 2.02,9.01 03/14/07 ML-CFC Commercial Mortgage Trust 2007 DE 8.01,9.01 03/14/07 MMC ENERGY, INC. DE 8.01 03/12/07 Morgan Stanley Capital I Trust 2007-H DE 8.01,9.01 03/14/07 Morgan Stanley Home Equity Loan Trust DE 8.01,9.01 02/28/07 Morgan Stanley Mortgage Loan Trust 20 DE 8.01,9.01 02/28/07 MOVIE GALLERY INC DE 1.01,1.02,2.03,8.01,9.01 03/08/07 MPLC, Inc. DE 5.02,9.01 03/08/07 MTI TECHNOLOGY CORP DE 3.01,9.01 03/08/07 NATIONAL BEVERAGE CORP DE 2.02,9.01 03/14/07 NATIONAL CITY CORP DE 7.01,9.01 03/14/07 National Collegiate Student Loan Trus 1.01,9.01 03/08/07 NATIONAL WESTERN LIFE INSURANCE CO CO 2.02,9.01 03/13/07 Neff Rental LLC DE 5.02 03/14/07 NETSOL TECHNOLOGIES INC NV 7.01,9.01 03/14/07 NEW CENTURY FINANCIAL CORP MD 1.02,2.04,3.01,8.01,9.01 03/13/07 NEW RIVER PHARMACEUTICALS INC VA 2.02,9.01 03/13/07 NEW WORLD BRANDS INC DE 4.01,9.01 09/15/06 AMEND NEW YORK MORTGAGE TRUST INC MD 8.01,9.01 03/14/07 NEWFIELD EXPLORATION CO /DE/ DE 7.01,9.01 03/13/07 NewGen Technologies, Inc NV 5.02 03/14/07 NEWS CORP 8.01,9.01 03/14/07 Nissan Auto Receivables 2007-A Owner DE 8.01,9.01 02/22/07 NITROMED INC DE 1.01,1.02,9.01 03/09/07 NL INDUSTRIES INC NJ 2.02,7.01,9.01 03/13/07 NORTHEAST UTILITIES MA 8.01,9.01 03/12/07 NORTHERN ETHANOL, INC. DE 8.01 03/13/07 NORTHSTAR REALTY 7.01 03/13/07 NORTHWEST AIRLINES CORP DE 1.01 03/09/07 NOVADEL PHARMA INC DE 7.01,8.01,9.01 03/08/07 NOVAVAX INC DE 2.02,9.01 03/14/07 NPS PHARMACEUTICALS INC DE 2.02,2.05,5.02,9.01 03/14/07 NTN BUZZTIME INC DE 2.02,9.01 03/14/07 Oakmont Acquisition Corp. DE 7.01,9.01 03/13/07 OCEANFIRST FINANCIAL CORP DE 2.02,9.01 03/12/07 OCTILLION CORP 5.02 03/08/07 OMNI ENERGY SERVICES CORP LA 7.01,9.01 03/08/07 ONE LIBERTY PROPERTIES INC MD 9.01 12/31/06 ONE LIBERTY PROPERTIES INC MD 1.01,9.01 03/09/07 ONE VOICE TECHNOLOGIES INC NV 4.01,9.01 02/16/07 AMEND ORACLE CORP 5.02 03/12/07 ORIGEN FINANCIAL INC DE 2.02,9.01 03/13/07 ORION ETHANOL, INC KS 1.01,5.02,9.01 03/10/07 ORTHOLOGIC CORP DE 2.02,9.01 03/14/07 OSPREY GOLD CORP NV 5.03,8.01 03/13/07 OVERSTOCK.COM, INC UT 8.01,9.01 03/14/07 OXFORD MEDIA, INC. NV 2.01,9.01 03/08/07 PACEL CORP NV 8.01 03/08/07 PACIFIC GAS & ELECTRIC CO CA 8.01,9.01 03/13/07 PACIFICORP /OR/ OR 8.01,9.01 03/14/07 PANDA ETHANOL, INC. NV 1.01,9.01 03/01/07 AMEND PAR TECHNOLOGY CORP DE 1.01 03/08/07 Partners Financial CORP FL 8.01,9.01 03/09/07 PATRIOT NATIONAL BANCORP INC CT 2.02,9.01 03/13/07 PDL BIOPHARMA, INC. DE 8.01,9.01 03/12/07 PEERLESS SYSTEMS CORP DE 2.02,9.01 03/14/07 PETRO STOPPING CENTERS L P DE 1.01,9.01 03/09/07 PG&E CORP CA 8.01,9.01 03/13/07 PICO HOLDINGS INC /NEW CA 2.02,9.01 03/12/07 PINNACLE AIRLINES CORP DE 8.01,9.01 03/08/07 PLURIS ENERGY GROUP INC NV 8.01 03/08/07 PMC COMMERCIAL TRUST /TX TX 2.02,9.01 03/13/07 POINT THERAPEUTICS INC DE 3.01,9.01 03/13/07 POLYONE CORP 5.02 03/08/07 POWER 3 MEDICAL PRODUCTS INC NY 4.01,9.01 03/08/07 PPT VISION INC MN 1.01,3.02,5.03,9.01 03/08/07 PRB Energy, Inc. NV 5.02 03/08/07 AMEND PRINCIPAL LIFE INSURANCE CO IA 9.01 03/09/07 PRINCIPAL LIFE INSURANCE CO IA 9.01 03/09/07 PROGRESSIVE CORP/OH/ OH 7.01,9.01 03/14/07 PROSPECT ENERGY CORP MD 8.01,9.01 03/14/07 QUALMARK CORP CO 1.01,2.03 03/13/07 QUESTCOR PHARMACEUTICALS INC CA 5.02 03/08/07 RALI Series 2007-QA2 Trust DE 8.01,9.01 03/14/07 RALI Series 2007-QH2 Trust DE 8.01,9.01 03/14/07 RALI Series 2007-QS3 Trust DE 8.01,9.01 03/14/07 RASC Series 2007-KS1 Trust DE 8.01,9.01 03/14/07 AMEND REGIONS FINANCIAL CORP DE 5.03,5.05,9.01 03/08/07 REPUBLIC AIRWAYS HOLDINGS INC DE 1.01,9.01 03/13/07 Residential Asset Securitization Trus 8.01,9.01 02/27/07 Residential Asset Securitization Trus 8.01,9.01 02/27/07 RFMSI Series 2007-S2 Trust DE 8.01,9.01 03/14/07 ROHM & HAAS CO DE 2.03,9.01 03/09/07 ROMA FINANCIAL CORP X1 2.02,9.01 03/09/07 RUB A DUB SOAP INC CO 3.02 03/14/07 AMEND RUBIOS RESTAURANTS INC DE 7.01,9.01 03/14/07 RUSS BERRIE & CO INC NJ 1.01,5.02 03/13/07 SABRE HOLDINGS CORP DE 8.01 03/13/07 SAKS INC TN 8.01,9.01 03/14/07 SANTARUS INC DE 8.01 03/12/07 SAPIENT CORP DE 5.02 03/08/07 SE FINANCIAL CORP 2.02,9.01 03/12/07 SEACHANGE INTERNATIONAL INC DE 2.02,9.01 03/13/07 SELECT COMFORT CORP 7.01,9.01 03/14/07 SENSUS METERING SYSTEMS BERMUDA 2 LTD 5.02 03/09/07 SEQUA CORP /DE/ DE 5.02,9.01 03/14/07 SEQUIAM CORP CA 2.04,9.01 03/14/07 SHANDONG RUITAI CHEMICAL CO., LTD DE 5.03 03/12/07 Sibling Entertainment Group, Inc. NY 2.03,9.01 03/14/07 SIERRA PACIFIC RESOURCES /NV/ NV 1.01 03/09/07 SIGMA ALDRICH CORP DE 7.01,9.01 03/13/07 SIGMA ALDRICH CORP DE 1.01,2.03,9.01 03/13/07 SIRICOMM INC DE 8.01,9.01 03/14/07 SIRVA INC DE 5.02,9.01 03/08/07 SOMANETICS CORP MI 2.02,9.01 03/14/07 SONIC AUTOMOTIVE INC DE 5.02 03/13/07 SOUTH TEXAS OIL CO NV 2.01,8.01,9.01 03/14/07 SOUTH TEXAS OIL CO NV 4.01,5.02,9.01 03/14/07 AMEND SOVEREIGN BANCORP INC PA 5.02 03/08/07 SPECIALIZED HEALTH PRODUCTS INTERNATI DE 2.02,9.01 03/14/07 SPECTRE GAMING INC MN 5.02,9.01 02/26/07 SPECTRUM PHARMACEUTICALS INC DE 2.02,9.01 03/14/07 SPECTRX INC DE 1.01,2.03,3.02 03/14/07 AMEND SPEEDWAY MOTORSPORTS INC DE 2.02,9.01 03/14/07 STAAR SURGICAL CO DE 7.01 03/06/07 Stereotaxis, Inc. DE 1.01 03/12/07 STONELEIGH ACQUISITION CORP. DE 1.01,5.01,5.02,9.01 03/11/07 SULPHCO INC NV 3.02,5.02,9.01 03/12/07 SUPERGEN INC DE 2.02,9.01 03/14/07 SUREWEST COMMUNICATIONS CA 2.02,9.01 03/14/07 TBW Mortgage-Backed Trust Series 2007 DE 8.01,9.01 02/27/07 TBW Mortgage-Backed Trust Series 2007 DE 8.01,9.01 02/27/07 TECHNOLOGY SOLUTIONS COMPANY DE 5.02 03/14/07 Thornburg Mortgage Securities Trust 2 DE 8.01,9.01 02/27/07 TITAN PHARMACEUTICALS INC DE 1.02 03/12/07 Triton Petroleum Group Inc 8.01 03/14/07 TRUEYOU.COM DE 2.04,9.01 03/08/07 TRUEYOU.COM DE 5.02 03/12/07 U S GOLD CORP CO 7.01,8.01,9.01 03/14/07 U S GOLD CORP CO 7.01,8.01,9.01 03/14/07 U S GOLD CORP CO 7.01,8.01,9.01 03/14/07 ULTRALIFE BATTERIES INC DE 7.01,9.01 03/14/07 UMPQUA HOLDINGS CORP OR 8.01,9.01 03/14/07 UNIPROP MANUFACTURED HOUSING COMMUNIT MI 1.01 03/12/07 UNITEDHEALTH GROUP INC MN 8.01 03/13/07 Uranium Star Corp. NV 4.01,7.01,9.01 12/22/06 AMEND VALENCE TECHNOLOGY INC DE 1.01,5.02,9.01 02/01/07 VALENCE TECHNOLOGY INC DE 8.01,9.01 03/13/07 Valera Pharmaceuticals Inc 8.01 03/12/07 VALHI INC /DE/ DE 2.02,7.01,9.01 03/14/07 VALLEY NATIONAL BANCORP NJ 7.01,9.01 03/14/07 VARSITY GROUP INC 1.01,2.03 03/08/07 VENTURES UNITED INC UT 8.01,9.01 03/14/07 VIEWPOINT CORP DE 2.02,9.01 03/14/07 VIEWSONIC CORP DE 5.02 03/08/07 VITAL IMAGES INC MN 8.01 03/09/07 Warner Music Group Corp. DE 1.01 03/14/07 WASHINGTON MUTUAL, INC WA 5.02 03/08/07 WATAIRE INTERNATIONAL, INC. WA 5.02 03/14/07 WEBEX COMMUNICATIONS INC DE 5.02,9.01 03/01/07 WebMD Health Corp. DE 5.02 03/08/07 Wells Fargo Alternative Loan 2007-PA1 DE 8.01,9.01 02/27/07 Wells Fargo Mortgage Backed Securitie DE 8.01,9.01 02/27/07 WEST PHARMACEUTICAL SERVICES INC PA 1.01,2.03,8.01,9.01 03/09/07 WHOLE FOODS MARKET INC TX 8.01 03/13/07 WILD OATS MARKETS INC DE 8.01 03/13/07 WILLBROS GROUP INC R1 2.02,9.01 03/08/07 WILLIS GROUP HOLDINGS LTD D0 8.01,9.01 03/13/07 WOLVERINE TUBE INC DE 2.02,9.01 03/14/07 WORLD HEART CORP A6 5.02,9.01 03/08/07 WPT ENTERPRISES INC 1.01,9.01 03/08/07 ZIPREALTY INC 2.02,9.01 03/14/07 Zumiez Inc 2.02,9.01 03/14/07