SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Washington, D.C. LITIGATION RELEASE NO. 16007 / December 21, 1998 SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION v. JACK D. SEIBALD, BERNHARD SEIBALD, STEWART R. SPECTOR, and ERIC S. FESSLER, Defendants, and FRON CAPITAL CORPORATION and DEKALB HOLDINGS, INC., Relief Defendants, Civil Action No. 95 Civ. 2081 (LLS) (S.D.N.Y.) On December 14, 1998, the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York signed a final judgment in the Commission's insider trading case against Jack D. Seibald, Bernhard Seibald, and Stewart R. Spector. Without admitting or denying the Commission's allegations against them, the defendants consented to the final judgment, which orders Jack Seibald to pay disgorgement of $62,147.27, prejudgment interest of $57,267.55, and a civil penalty of $127,067.05; Bernhard Seibald to pay disgorgement of $9,712.24, prejudgment interest of $8,949.63, and a civil penalty of $9,712.24; and Stewart Spector to pay disgorgement of $21,932.37, prejudgment interest of $20,210.25, and a civil penalty of $21,932.37. As part of the settlement, the case was dismissed as to the two relief defendants, Fron Capital Corporation and DeKalb Holdings, Inc. In its complaint, filed on March 28, 1995, the Commission alleged that Jack Seibald, while employed as an equity research analyst at Salomon Brothers Inc. in 1990 and 1991, obtained material, nonpublic information relating to public companies he followed and unlawfully conveyed such information to his brother Bernard, his father-in-law Stewart Spector, his friend Eric Fessler, and the chief financial officer of one of the public companies he followed. The Complaint further alleged that after receiving such information from Jack Seibald, these individuals unlawfully traded in the securities of the subject companies for their own accounts and, in the case of Bernhard Seibald and Stewart Spector, for the accounts of the releif defendants Fron and DeKalb, whose beneficial owners were related to the Seibalds. Fessler settled the case when it was filed (see Litigatoin Release No. 14449), and the chief financial officer settled in a separate action filed shortly before this one (see Litigation Release No. 14445). The Commission acknowleges the assistance and cooperation of the National Association of Securities Dealers and the New York Stock Exchange in connection with its investigation of this matter.