UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Litigation Release No. 15946 / October 26, 1998 SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION V. MARK MAY, CRAIG A. HERL, USA FINANCIAL NETWORK, INC., S-CORP FINANCIAL, INC., BANCORP MORTGAGE, INC., BILTMORE DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, and NETWORK FINANCE CORP., Defendants, and CYNTHIA R. MAY AND USA TRUST, Relief Defendants, United States District Court for the Southern District of Ohio, Civil Action No. c-3-98-468 (WHR). The Securities and Exchange Commission announced that it obtained a temporary restraining order (Order) against Mark May (May), Craig A. Herl (Herl), USA Financial Network, Inc. (USA Financial), S-Corp Financial, Inc. (S-Corp), Bancorp Mortgage, Inc. (Bancorp), Biltmore Development Corporation (Biltmore), and Network Finance Corp. (Network Finance). The order enjoins these persons and entities from violations of Section 17(a) of the Securities Act of 1933 (Securities Act), Section 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Exchange Act) and Rule 10b-5 thereunder. The order also enjoins USA Financial from violations of Sections 206(1) and 206(2) of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 (Advisers Act) and May and Herl from aiding and abetting such violations. The Complaint alleges that from December 1994 to the present, May and Herl used two investment advisory businesses to offer and sell approximately $3.6 million in unsecured promissory notes to approximately 33 advisory clents. The promissory notes were issued by corporations May and Herl controlled and operated and had little or no net worth. According to the Complaint, May and Herl recommended that the clients, many of whom earned modest incomes, had low net worths, and had conservative investment objectives, use money from their home equity loans or their self- directed IRAs to purchase the promissory notes. The Complaint also alleges that May and Herl told the investors that their money would be used to fund the issuing corporation's business when, in fact, May and Herl routinely used investor funds to cover cash flow shortages in affiliated corporations, to make interest payments to prior promissory note investors, and to divert approximately $500,000 to themselves and to May's wife, Cynthia May. The Order also freezes the assets of defendants May, Herl, S-Corp and Network Finance and the assets of relief defendants Cynthia May and USA Trust, freezes $50,000 in USA Financial's bank account, prohibits USA Financial, Bancorp and Biltmore from transferring assets to May, Herl, S-Corp, Network Finance, Cynthia May or USA Trust, a relief defendant, prohibits the defendants and relief defendants from destroying any documents, requires the defendants and relief defendants to produce any books and records relating to the offer and sale of promissory notes and any of their businesses, and requires the defendants and relief defendants to provide an accounting of all funds received from investors.