Comments on NYSE Rulemaking
Notice of Filing of a Proposed Rule Change and Amendment No. 1 Thereto by the New York Stock Exchange, Inc. to Amend Section 303A of the NYSE Listed Company Manual Relating to Corporate Governance
(Release No. 34-50298; File No. SR-NYSE-2004-41)
- Richard M. Whiting, Executive Director and General Counsel, The Financial Services Roundtable, July 15, 2005 (File name: rmwhiting071505.pdf)
- Christopher A. Montague, Executive Vice President and General Counsel, Bank Financial Group, on behalf of The Toronto-Dominion Bank, December 1, 2004 (File name: camontague120104.pdf)
- Jack Ehnes, Chief Executive Officer, California State Teachers' Retirement System, November 30, 2004 (File name: calsters113004.pdf)
- Sarah A. Miller, American Bankers Association, November 30, 2004 (File name: samiller113004.pdf)
- Eileen M. Lach, Vice President, Corporate Secretary and Associate General Counsel, Wyeth, November 30, 2004 (File name: emlach113004.pdf)
- Steve Odland, Chairman, President & CEO, AutoZone, Inc., and Chairman, Corporate Governance Task Force
Business Roundtable, November 23, 2004 (File name: sodland112304.pdf)
- Theodore R. Tetzlaff, General Counsel, Peoples Energy Corporation, October 29, 2004 (File name: srnyse200441-11.pdf)
- Diana DeGette, Edward Markey and Janice Schakowsky, U.S. House of Representatives, October 14, 2004 (File name: srnyse200441-9.pdf)
- Michael J. Holliday, Chair of the Committee, Committee on Securities Regulation of the Business Law Section of the New York State Bar Association, September 29, 2004 (File name: mjholliday092904.pdf)
- Kay R. H. Evans, Executive Director, Maine State Retirement System, September 29, 2004 (File name: kevans092904.pdf)
- Steve Odland, Chairman, President & CEO, AutoZone, Inc., Chairman, Corporate Governance Task Force
Business Roundtable, September 29, 2004 (File name: sodland092904.pdf)
- Henry H. Hubble, Vice President, Investor Relations and Secretary, Exxon Mobil Corporation, September 28, 2004 (File name: hhhubble092804.pdf)
- Joseph M. Huber, Senior Corporate Counsel, Federated Investors, Inc., September 27, 2004 (File name: jmhuber092704.htm)
- Colin Melvin, Director - Corporate Governance, Hermes Investment Management Limited, September 22, 2004 (File name: cmelvin092204.pdf)
- Richard Curtis, Executive Director, Highway Patrol Retirement System, William Estabrook, Executive Director, Ohio Police and Fire Pension Fund, Laurie Hacking, Executive Director, Public Employees Retirement System of Ohio, and Damon Asbury, Executive Director, State Teachers Retirement System of Ohio, September 21, 2004 (File name: curtis092104.pdf)
- Dale McCormick, Maine State Treasurer, September 17, 2004 (File name: dmccormick091704.htm)
- Sarah A. B Teslik, Executive Director, Council of Institutional Investors, September 15, 2004 (File name: srnyse200441-1.pdf)