-------------------- BEGINNING OF PAGE #1 ------------------- UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Securities Act of 1933 Release No. 7249 / December 20, 1995 Securities Exchange Act of 1934 Release No. 36614 / December 20, 1995 ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEEDINGS INSTITUTED AGAINST GEORGE R. JOHNSON AND JOHNSON KENT SECURITIES, INC On December 20, 1995, the Commission issued an order instituting cease and desist and administrative proceedings against Johnston Kent Securities, Inc., and one of its principals, George R. Johnston. The Commission asserts that Johnston Kent and Johnston aided and abetted a fraudulent scheme masterminded by Robert C. Wilson and others. That scheme involved soliciting investors, principally insurance companies, to place funds with Wilson or one of his corporate fronts for trading in U.S. Treasury Bills and then misappropriating the funds. As part of the scheme, Wilson and his co-schemers employed elaborate devices to conceal the missappropriations. One of those devices was to provide investors with totally fictitious confirmations issued by Johnston Kent indicating that Treasury Bills were indeed bought. Johnston would then confirm the purchases both orally and in writing to the victims and their auditors. While Johnston and Johnston Kent were providing such assistance, Wilson gave approximately $100,000 to Johnston Kent, and the Commission seeks disgorgement of this amount as well as civil penalties. Staff of the Commission received substantial assistance from the the Denver office of the National Association of Securities Dealers ("NASD") in the course of the investigation. In this regard, Johnston and Johnston Kent have recently entered into settlement agreements with the NASD whereby Johnston Kent withdrew from the brokerage business in lieu of Expulsion and Johnston agreed to be barred as a stockbroker. In a related matter, on December 20, 1995 the Commission filed an application in United States District Court for the District of Colorado seeking a temporary restraining order against Wilson, Gary F. Long, Debenture Guaranty Corporation and, Texas attorney Samuel L. Boyd. The Court granted the Commission's application for temporary relief an also froze the assets of each defendant as well as those of entities alleged to have received misappropriated funds.