UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Securities Act of 1933 Release No. 7330 / September 13, 1996 SEC APPROVES PLAN FOR DISGORGEMENT DISTRIBUTION IN THE MATTER OF ELLIOTT B. ROSENBERG, JACK A. GILBERT, HOWARD M. CAPLAN, GERALD J. PERLMUTAR AND DOUGLAS H. MANSFIELD The Securities and Exchange Commission today approved the Division of Enforcement's plan for distributing to eligible claimants $435,000 disgorged in the Matter of Elliott B. Rosenberg, Jack A. Gilbert, Howard M. Caplan, Gerald J. Perlmutar and Douglas H. Mansfield ("Disgorgement Plan"). Pursuant to the Disgorgement Plan, investors who purchased the common stock of Multireal Properties, Inc. ("Multireal") in the United States during the period October 15, 1987, through September 30, 1988, or purchased the common stock of Delicorp Foodservice, Inc. ("Delicorp") in the United States during the period April 7, 1988, through September 23, 1988, may be eligible to share in the distribution of the disgorgement fund if they suffered an aggregate net loss from their purchases and sales of either Multireal or Delicorp stock during the relevant periods. The Securities and Exchange Commission had ordered disgorgement and other remedial sanctions in its Order Instituting Proceedings Pursuant To Section 8A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 15(b)(6) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, Making Findings and Imposing Sanctions and Cease And Desist Orders. See In the Matter of Elliott B. Rosenberg, Jack A. Gilbert, Howard M. Caplan, Gerald J. Perlmutar and Douglas H. Mansfield, Admin. Proc. File No. 3-8703 (May 25, 1995). Any person wishing to submit a claim may request claim forms by contacting the following: Jonathan R. Barr U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission 450 Fifth Street, N.W. Mail Stop 5-4 Washington, D.C. 20549 (202) 942-7220 All claims must be submitted by no later than December 30, 1996.