IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA ATLANTA DIVISION SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION, Plaintiff, v. WEALTH INTERNATIONAL NETWORK, DISCOVERY FINANCIAL, INVESTMENTS, ANDRE BRADY, BRADY INTERNATIONAL, INC., STERLING CONSORTIUM HOLDINGS, INC., COMMONWEALTH CAPITAL L.C., MPAK SECURITY, INC., SEA FINANCIAL SERVICES CORP., MICHAEL G. FRAINA, JR., REUBEN A. SPIVEY, Defendants. CIVIL ACTION FILE NO. 1:95-CV-1722-CAM ORDER AND NOTICE OF BAR DATE AND OF HEARING ON DISTRIBUTION AGENT'S PLAN OF DISTRIBUTION PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that William G. Hays, Jr., the duly authorized and acting Distribution Agent for Wealth International Network, Discovery Financial Investments, Brady International, Inc. and Sterling Consortium Holdings, Inc. (hereinafter the "DA Entities") has filed a Plan of Distribution. The Plan of Distribution (the "Plan") essentially provides that all of the assets of the DA Entities will be consolidated into a single Disgorgement Fund from which all of the approved and allowed claims of creditors of the DA Entities shall receive distributions on an equal or pro rata basis. The Plan further provides that certain insiders shall not receive any distributions unless all creditors and investors holding allowed claims have been paid in full and will only then share on a pro rata basis in any excess. Contemporaneously with the filing of the Plan, the Distribution Agent has filed a Report summarizing the status of the case and in support of his request that the Court approve the Plan. The Distribution Agent believes that the Plan is fair and equitable to all creditors and has requested that the Court approve the Plan. The Plan provides for a distribution to creditors upon approval of the Plan and resolution of objections to certain claims with further distributions to be made in the discretion of the Distribution Agent. The Distribution Agent currently estimates that if the Plan is approved, creditors of the DA Entities may ultimately receive between 60% and 70% of their allowed claims. IT IS ORDERED AND NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE LAST DAY FOR ANY CREDITOR OR INVESTOR TO FILE A PROOF OF CLAIM IS JANUARY 7, 1997. IF ANY CREDITOR OR INVESTOR FAILS TO FILE A CLAIM BY SUCH DATE, SAID CLAIM WILL NOT BE TREATED AS A TIMELY FILED CLAIM UNDER THE PLAN, IF APPROVED. AT PRESENT, THE DISTRIBUTION AGENT ANTICIPATES THAT THOSE PERSONS WHO FAIL TO TIMELY FILE A CLAIM WILL NOT RECEIVE ANY DISTRIBUTION ON THEIR CLAIM. IF YOU BELIEVE THAT YOU HOLD A CLAIM AGAINST ANY ONE OR ALL OF THE DA ENTITIES IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT YOU FILE YOUR CLAIM ON OR BEFORE THE ABOVE DATE. IF YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW TO FILE A CLAIM, PLEASE CALL 404-875-5645. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, that a hearing will be held on the 7th day of January, 1997, at 11:00 o'clock, a.m., in Courtroom 2105 United States Courthouse, Richard B. Russell Federal Building, located at 75 Spring Street, S.W., Atlanta, Georgia, 30335 to consider the Distribution Agent's Plan of Distribution and any written objections to same which may be timely filed and served as described below. All objections to the Plan of Distribution, whether asserted in writing or orally at the hearing, must be filed and asserted at or before the hearing. Said hearing may be continued to another date or dates or location upon announcement made at the aforesaid hearing. NOTICE IS HEREBY FURTHER GIVEN that copies of the Plan of Distribution together with the Distribution Agent's Report may be reviewed at the Clerk's office at the address set forth above or may be requested, in writing, from the Distribution Agent at 1422 West Peachtree Street, N.W., Suite 216, Atlanta, Georgia 30309. In order to offset the cost of copying and mailing the Plan and Report, all written requests must be accompanied by a check or money order in the amount of $10 made payable to "William G. Hays, Distribution Agent". The version which will be mailed by the Distribution Agent will only include critical exhibits and will omit lengthy lists of creditors and payments. Please do not send cash. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Counsel for the Distribution Agent shall serve this Order and Notice upon all creditors, investors and parties in interest in this case and shall file a Certificate of Service with this Court evidencing same. IT IS SO ORDERED this day of November, 1996. _____________________________ CHARLES A. MOYE, Judge UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT, NORTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA This Order prepared and presented by: Hicks, Maloof & Campbell, a Professional Corporation By: Henry F. Sewell, Jr. Ga. Bar I.D. No. 636265 Counsel for William G. Hays, Jr., Distribution Agent Suite 2200, Marquis Two Tower 285 Peachtree Center Avenue, N.E. Atlanta, Georgia 30303-1234 (404) 588-1100 K:\29320.wgh\96337\pleading\notice.hrg