Subject: File No.
From: Liz Gauntner
Affiliation: Concerned citizen and economist

March 9, 2017

Dear Commission and Chairman Piwowar,

I'm writing to voice my support of the Conflict Minerals Rule and its implementation. As a consumer, it is very important for me to be able to know my purchases are not funding violent oppression and human rights abuses in DRC.

I understand that you have some concern about the cost companies operating legally. However, minerals export is profitable enough that good practices including information sharing can and should be part of standard operating costs.

This rule is an important step toward ending the ways minerals incomes have fueled violence and corruption in DRC for decades. As I'm sure you're aware, some of the world's most violent acts, including rape, torture and genocide, have occurred in this region in part linked to the profits arising from minerals exports. Your actions on this matter will play a role in the potential continuing of such violence against people, including women and children. Please as a fellow human being, do the right thing.

Thank you for your consideration of this issue.
Liz Gauntner