Subject: File No. SR-OCC-2024-001
From: Nick Ahlers

Hello, As a household investor, I strongly support the SEC's decision to reject the proposed rule change from the Options Clearing Corporation (OCC). This is a critical step toward risk mitigation and investor protection. Transparency is absolutely essential in maintaining trust and confidence in the financial system. The lack of transparency in the OCC's proposal raised legitimate concerns about its potential impact on market participants and systemic stability. By rejecting the proposal, the SEC has demonstrated its dedication to ensuring that market participants have access to clear and understandable rules that foster fair and orderly markets. The proposed adjustments to margin requirements during market volatility were particularly concerning. Margin requirements are essential for maintaining market stability and preventing excessive risk-taking, especially during periods of heightened volatility. The SEC's decision to reject the OCC's proposal reflects a prudent approach to risk management, prioritizing the long-term stability and integrity of our financial markets. Furthermore, the conflict of interest inherent in the role of the Financial Risk Management (FRM) Officer cannot be overlooked. The dual responsibilities of an OCC employee and a participant in the options markets present a clear conflict that could undermine the effectiveness of risk management practices. The SEC's decision to reject the proposed rule change underscores its commitment to addressing potential conflicts of interest and protecting the interests of investors. In conclusion, I commend the SEC for its diligence and foresight in safeguarding the integrity of our financial markets. By rejecting the OCC's proposed rule change, the SEC has reaffirmed its role as a guardian of fair and transparent financial markets. I am confident that the SEC will continue to prioritize transparency, risk mitigation, and investor protection in its regulatory efforts. Thank you.