Subject: File No. SR-OCC-2024-001
From: RD

Hello, This rule is ridiculous. It opens the opportunity for bad actors to can kick problems, making them worse. The fact that this is even being proposed is concerning. You are asking people with a straight face to give you a free pass for making risky bets. If they don't have to manage their positions then they are basically just printing free money. It feels like this is a rule made to hide something. However, if we let people sweep these problems under the rug, they will just get worse. Then the taxpayers will have to bail them out again, once that problem becomes too much to hide. Trading is a tough game, and it's not fair to give the ultra rich special treatment. These people have tools, and resources that average people do not. If they cannot find a way to cover their margins, then I would assume that they are over leveraged. If I were to trade like this, there would be no bail out for me. No change in margin. I would just have to pay. Even if I lost everything. These are the rules, and they knew that when they started trading. Lets try this with another scenario. If I didn't manage my time, and I was late to work. This rule would be like me asking my boss to change MY schedule on days that I am tired, so that I wouldn't be late. This would be unfair, and my coworkers would be very upset. If I tried to use the excuse that "if I'm tired the job won't get done" (Aka too big to fail). They would fire me, and hire someone that can manage their time better. I think it's about time to hold people in the financial sector to the same standard. Another example: My rent was raised this year. (Like the margin requirements). Do you think I could ask my landlord to waive it for me, because my neighbors like me? Nope. I pay, or I'm homeless. Why would margin requirements be going down as inflation is making everything more expensive. That seems dangerous. So in short... They either have it, or they don't. They need to manage their positions, and have proper amounts of cash to manage their risk. I know they have assets they can sell to get the money. Sounds like some bad actors are in trouble, and I wish them the best of luck. However, they don't get to change the rules when they are losing. Hard NO for me.