Subject: File No. SR-OCC-2024-001
From: Emmanuel Torres

As a small investor, I want to weigh in on a proposal known as SR-OCC-2024-001, which deals with adjusting margin requirements during times of high market volatility. I support the SEC's potential rejection of this proposal for several reasons: 1. Lack of transparency: The proposal has too many hidden parts, making it hard for the public to understand and provide meaningful feedback. 2. Systemic risk: Reducing margin requirements for big financial institutions could create a ripple effect of failures in the financial system if these institutions can't cover their losses. 3. Unfair advantages: The proposal seems to favor big players by letting them off the hook too easily for risky trades, which could harm ordinary investors like us. 4. Conflicts of interest: The proposal sets up a situation where those responsible for managing risks might prioritize protecting big players over safeguarding the entire financial system. 5. Lack of oversight: There don't seem to be enough checks in place to ensure that risks are managed properly, leaving investors vulnerable to significant losses. Given these concerns, I believe the proposal should be turned down. Instead, we should: - Enforce stricter margin requirements for big financial institutions. - Increase transparency and oversight in the financial system. - Ensure that risks are managed properly to protect all investors. Thank you for considering my perspective on this important issue.