Subject: SR-OCC-2024-001
From: Retia Celephi

May 18, 2024


I am writing with regards to the proposed rule change brought forth by the OCC in SRC-OCC-2024-001. 

As a household investor, and a fellow nerd for data, I cannot just watch this proposal go past without commenting. 

How can the commission realistically expect effective public comment on the substance (and ramifications) of the changes to the OCC's margin calculations during periods of high- volatility without, in-turn, providing the public details on the substance of those calculations in the filing? 
This is regardless of, as the filing states, it "just" being a change to their standard operating procedures; to codify it in law is a very serious step in the process- one that carries ramifications for the future. 

That being the case, I recommend the commission either: 
A) Provide the public with all the relevant details regarding the OCCs high-volatility margin calculations, so that the public can provide substantive feedback. 

B) Summarily deny this proposal. 

So to summarize, 
Please deny- and/or make more clear the details of- this filing. I hope it is re-filed with the aforementioned details, as I would love to comment again at that time. 

Thank you. 

(I am unsure if the SEC responds to these at all, but I look forward to hearing from you nonetheless. Enjoy your weekend!)