Subject: Comments on SR-OCC-2024-00134-100009
From: T. Doyle

May 6, 2024

Dear Members of the SEC, 

I am writing to urge you to take immediate action to protect the integrity of our financial markets. As you know, counterfeit shares are a growing problem that threatens the very foundation of our economy. That's why we need the Consolidated Audit Trail (C.A.T.) put in place as soon as possible. 

Here are the key reasons why: 

- Transparency: The C.A.T. will shine a light on the dark corners of the stock market, revealing the counterfeit shares that are floating around. 

- Fairness: Retail investors deserve a fair shake, but counterfeit shares give an unfair advantage to some and put others at risk. 

- National Security: Fraudulent activities in the financial markets are a threat to our national security and economic stability. 

- Accountability: The C.A.T. will provide a clear chain of custody, showing who bought and sold shares, and when. 

- Protection: By identifying counterfeit shares, we can prevent fraud and protect the hard-earned savings of retail investors. 

We need the C.A.T. to: 

- Uncover the truth about counterfeit shares 
- Stop fraud in its tracks 
- Give retail investors a fair chance 
- Protect our national security 
- Keep our financial markets honest 

I urge you to make the C.A.T. a priority. Our financial markets, and our nation's security, depend on it. 


Teddy DOYLE 
Retail Investor 

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