Subject: SR-OCC-2024-001 -- a word
From: Josiah Goodrum

Feb. 28, 2024

To the powers that be,

I’d like to comment on this proposal not from an economic or financial perspective, but a philosophical one.

To my immediate discredit (or credit depending on your view), I’m an individual investor in GameStop. I got in early, and have refused to get out. The layers of intrigue to me are more interesting than making any type of return on investment.

Before you throw this comment in your digital trash can, I’d ask to just hear me out. I promise I’ll be brief and clear, something that your stupid rules and regulations can’t seem to be.

Take a look at the US. It’s broken and fractured.Our political divide continues to widen and there’s an undercurrent of distrust in the systems that have made the US great. This growing tide of resentment has been rising since 2020 and to some it seems that democracy is hanging in the balance.  This distrust is further bolstered by incidents like 2021 (I’member as the meme goes) where the big boys couldn’t hang with the peons and cut off the buy button. Add another bank failure in 2023, a few Federal Reserve interest hikes, and a slowing job market, it doesn’t look great.

Some folks are fine. They watch the 24 hour news cycle. Take what pundits say at face value. And bemoan their existence while chomping down on fast food filled with stuff they can’t pronounce. And to be fair, this might be most Americans.

But there are people who are paying attention.

Now, what does this proposal have to do with any of that? If allowed, it’s another case of the little guy getting fucked. Excuse my language but that’s what it is. An absolute, “LOL, nice try little kid. We make the rules. Go eat dirt”. Another kick to the nads. In other words, it could be the last straw.

This happens over and over in history. The Big guy disrespects the Little guy too much for too long, and welp, God’s judgement falls on the wicked.

I’ll end with a quote from Apostle Paul he writes in Ephesians 5:12-13

“For it is shameful even to speak of the things that they do in secret. But when anything is exposed by the light, it becomes visible…”

The truth will come out. The evil will be exposed. The light will win.

So, while chomping on some gross take-out lunch that you overpaid for as you review this proposed slight to the little man, ask yourself what happens when the curtain gets pulled back? Ask yourself, if there is a God and he knew what you were doing would warrant his wrath or his favor?
