Subject: SUBJECT: SR-OCC-2024-001 34-99393
From: Mikael Ersson

Feb. 13, 2024

Hi, my name is Mikael from Sweden. Im strongly against this rule. By makeing this rule go active it wont stop the abuse of shortsellers on the market. 

It will only increase their risky bet if OPTIONS CLEARING CORPORATION TO WAIVE THEIR OWN MARGIN. Its a criminal acts by clearing corparation to continue risk the US market and finance. 

Insteed institutions and hedgefonds should deposit more COLLADERAL to protect them from 99% shortfall insteed of changeing their own Margin requirement. 

If sec pass this rule it will spread like WILDFIRE world wide that institution can do what ever they want.. and that it self are dangerous for US stockmarket. 

Exemple i as a European US stockmarket investor will never invest in US market If sec lets clearing corparation have power to change their Margin at high volatility. 

From retail investor Europe.