Subject: SR-OCC-2024-00134-99393
From: Thomas Bratberg

Feb. 8, 2024

Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this proposal. 

I am an international investor from Norway, and I have for years seen Wall Street evade the rules, and when caught, only getting a slap on the wrist. 

This rule is set in place to help Wall Street kick the can further down the road, and bleed your citizens and international investors as well. 

I oppose this rule, and urge you to consider the ramifications. 
If this rule passes, you might buy the "to big to fail" entities in the US economy some more time. 
Every time the can is kicked down the road, Wall Street grows, and every household investor and also non investors feel the pain. 

This has to stop at one point, and while it might hurt Wall Street in the short run, this is not sustainable, and it is better to start making Wall Street accountable for their schemes. 
If this continues to happen, the whole of US will be as a pressure cooker. It will burst at some point, and it is better to tear the band-aid off sooner rather than later. 

Please: Stop letting Wall Street win by adjusting the rules, make every entity in the market play by the same rules, with the same amount of transparency. 

Thomas Bratberg - Norway 

PS: The US stock market is not getting a single dollar more from me before I see change. 
PSPS: I am not a native English speaker, and I am not versed in the economic jargon. But I think you are able to get the jist of it.