Subject: SR-OCC-2024-001
From: Chris Brown

Feb. 4, 2024

To whom it may concern;

I understand that certain entities didn’t have the foresight to plan for a change in the economy but there are consequences to those actions.

Reducing margin requirements after the fact for trades and deals already in place postpones that consequence. I doubt anyone reading this will take this to heart but at some point these entities need to be held accountable for their actions. They have shown time and again that they don’t have regard for the rules and the complain until they are bailed out or protected in some way for their reckless behaviour and bad bets. It’s no wonder these entities are so entitled and willing to bend the rules when the system won’t let them fail and won’t force them to face real consequence. At this time it’s imperative to enforce the rules that are in place and hold those accountable for their own terrible decisions. If they fail and are liquidated then so be it, their own actions brought on these consequences.

Thank you,


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