Subject: File No. SR-NYSEArca-2021-90
From: Geoffrey Engberson

May. 16, 2022


I am writing to urge the SEC allow the Grayscale GBTC to be converted to an ETF. The purpose of the SEC is to protect investors, not to hinder investors. 

Bitcoin is the way of the future. Bitcoin / Blockchain gave the world triple entry accounting. Bitcoin is the best global payment system and will be the best process for global settlement. Bitcoin is digital money and digital energy. 

By delaying a spot based Bitcoin ETF the SEC is delaying millions of investors in the United States of America a means to invest in a modern technology that will shape the rest of the 21st century. 

Please immediately approve the Grayscale GTBC conversion to an ETF without further delay. 

Thank you, 
Geoffrey Engberson 
