Subject: File No. SR-NYSEArca-2021-90
From: Dae Yu

May. 11, 2022

hello SEC - 

emailing in support of the conversion of the GBTC trust into a spot BTC ETF. 

investors in the USA are the most savvy in the world. we deserve a seat at the table along with the citizens of other countries who already have a spot ETF. 

investors want and need an equitable path into BTC to get at least a minimal exposure to the greatest technological innovation in money in the history of sovereign currencies. 

grayscale has already proven it can execute in this asset class. 

investors trust grayscale to continue to execute financial products in this new trillion dollar asset class. 

keep the USA a global leader in innovation, investor disclosures, and the opportunity for economic mobility. that’s why my father moved here, to start a new life. 

thank you for your time. 


Managing Director 
Yellow Umbrella Ventures