Subject: File No. SR-NYSEArca-2021-90
From: Murray B. Howell, Jr.

May. 10, 2022

To Whom It May Concern / Mr. Gensler / Ms. Peirce / et al, 

Regarding the subject File No. and conversion of GBTC to a "spot" ETF matter, as a U.S. citizen, I have watched at a distance as the SEC (less Ms. Peirce) has spearheaded efforts to marginalize and pick winners in the fledgling U.S. crypto asset business. I am not impressed by futures ETF's as to average working and retired citizens like myself, they appear to be financial vehicles to favor bankers and insiders as well as another mechanism to manipulate the market(s) to the short term benefit of insiders (such as yourselves, Mr. Dimon, and your friends at Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, etc.) 

To get to the point, I want the SEC to set aside your inertia on this matter and allow a GBTC Spot ETF that will accurately reflect the current value of Bitcoin ... rather than a Futures ETF to allows the U.S. Government and Big Banks to short and manipulate the price and work against U.S. citizens and droves of working class retail investors. 

Thank you kindly for your consideration of this matter, 

Murray B. Howell, Jr. 

cc: Congressman Buddy Carter