Subject: FileNo.SR-NYSEArca-2021-90
From: Susan Wiley

May. 09, 2022

Dear Ms. Countryman,

As an investor in the NYSE I am concerned about the proposed regulations being considered which require more government regulations, bringing less freedom for investors to make their own reasoned  decisions over buying and selling securities and funds.

As a voter in state and federal elections, I will certainly be watching how my elected officials line up on these proposed regulations.

Please do not further restrict or prevent investors from buying a broad range of public securities designated as “complex products”. Let investors decide for themselves which products they wish to invest in.

I would also further encourage you to approve, as the SEC, form 19b-4 , filed with you, to convert GrayscaleBitcoinTrust (OTCQX:GBTC) into Bitcoin Spot ETF. Investors should have a choice as to which product best meets investment needs.

Please follow the core values of the SEC in protecting investors by maintaining their ability to make their own choices.

Thank you for your kind attention,

Susan Wiley