Subject: File No. SR-NYSEArca-2021-90
From: Chris Davies

May. 06, 2022



I'm writing to you today to share my comments and opinions regarding the conversion of Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC) to an ETF. 

It has been over a year since Canada approved its first Bitcoin ETF and yet still we haven't seen the SEC move forward with the approval for Grayscale's transition to an ETF. This is an incredibly frustrating scenario for investors looking to gain exposure to Bitcoin and crypto more broadly. 

With that in mind I would like to add my name to the growing list of investors urging the SEC to approve Grayscale's ETF conversion request. We are counting on the SEC to move forward with this approval or standby and watch as other countries continue to take steps forward while we remain fixed in place. 

Thank you, 
