Subject: File No. SR-NYSEArca-2021-90
From: David Morgan

May. 07, 2022

Writing to you as a small-time GBTC investor.

I don’t really know what to think about why you refuse to approve any Spot ETFs in the United States. Even crazier is that you have approved Futures ETFs which everyone knows are merely gambling schemes. Many other developed countries have Spot BTC ETFs available, and Americans can invest in them, but why would I wish to improve the economy of another country over my own. Why are you helping them and not us?

I’m sorry, if you want to call me a conspiracy theorist go right ahead, but the only reason I can come divine for my country (the SEC) to deny Americans Spot ETFs has to be tied up with the culture of corruption in the US government. Please, prove me wrong; approve migration of GBTC to a Spot ETF in the United States.

David Morgan
Mooresboro, NC