Subject: File No. SR-NYSEArca-2021-90
From: Garry Scott

May. 08, 2022

To whom it my concern, 

Americans should have the right to invest in the future of financial technology without the government "qualifying" who is and who is not allowed to participate. Blockchain technology and and distributed ledger protocols were created in order offer a fully democratized financial system to all, free of interference from a hegemonic cabal. 

Recent rulings by the SEC over the past few months have forced several exchanges to only offer certain financial products to "qualified" investors, wich is the absolute antithesis of what blockchain technology was created for. Futurmore, the SEC has blocked the creation of a pure Bitcoin ETF, but allowed a Bitcoin ETF based on futures contracts. Futures contracts present a substantial risk to investors and just the fact that you approved such a product makes your argument against a pure Bitcoin ETF null and void. 

Participation in the future of financial technology should be available to all Americans and should not have government gatekeepers only giving access to the elite. Americans should have the right to add Bitcoin to their retirement accounts through brokerages like Fidelity, Mass Mutual, Trans America, etc. Approval of a pure Bitcoin play ETF is the way to do it and Greyscale fund is the leading Bitcoin fund in the world. Approve the conversation of Greyscale into a Bitcoin ETF. 

Thank you, 

Garry Scott