Subject: File No. SR-NYSEArca-2021-90
From: Sridhar Dronavalli

May. 06, 2022

I am a GBTC share holder for long time. I invested in GBTC thru my Fidelity account. I saw the price of GBTC going up and down more than the underlying asset BTC. Currently it is trading about 25% less than the underlying asset. BTC has become more consistent and valuable digital asset since its inception.

I witnessed BTC quickly became the digital product - for store of value. Granting an ETF to GBTC, would facilitate GBTC to follow closely with BTC. Investors would not lose money or gain money just because of GBTC trading at discount or premium. An ETF would facilitate many investors to invest money safely in digital assets such as BTC.


Sridhar Dronavalli,