Subject: Grayscale Bitcoin ETF
From: David B. Alm

Apr. 26, 2022


My name is David Alm and I invest in Bitcoin and other cryptos. Most of my holdings are through the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust. I am more comfortable investing through Grayscale than buying through a crypto trading platform and then trying to move cryptos to a cold wallet (I am of the retired generation, not a computer expert). 

I am writing to make my feelings known that I request the conversion of the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust into a physical Bitcoin ETF. I believe this is the topic of File No. SR-NYSEArca-2021-90. 

Multiple other countries allow the existence of a physical Bitcoin ETF, which I believe better protects a small investor like me, rather than the options market in BTC which is manipulated by large institutional traders, to the detriment of small investors. 

Let's finally join the future and let America lead. 

Sincerely, David B. Alm