Subject: File No. SR-NYSEArca-2021-90 (It's time for a spot Bitcoin ETF)
From: Kaleb Paddock

Apr. 22, 2022


Hello, I'm writing as a shareholder in the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust, ticker GBTC. I'm writing to voice my support as a shareholder to convert GBTC from the current Trust structure to an ETF. 

Investors like myself deserve a spot Bitcoin ETF. An ETF would help more efficiently and effectively track the price of Bitcoin while eliminating the current premium/discount structure that is confusing to most investors and candidly does not make any sense now that Bitcoin has proven itself over 13+ years. 

While original scrutiny on converting to a spot ETF can be understood, enough time and scrutiny has passed and it's time to move forward with a spot Bitcoin ETF through the Grayscale offering. 

The time has come for the SEC to approve a spot Bitcoin ETF. 

Please work with Grayscale to make this happen. Thank you for your consideration and for reading my message. 


Kaleb Paddock