Subject: File No. SR-NYSEArca-2021-90
From: Todd Flemion

Apr. 22, 2022


Dear SEC, 

Please allow for the conversion of GBTC to an ETF. 

I want to be able to invest in Bitcoin within my IRAs and Solo 401k without having to pay high setup fees ($695), high annual fund expenses (2%) and accepting risk associated with the discount/premium of the current GBTC structure. 

I understand investing and have for 30+ years and I ask that you allow me better options when investing in Bitcoin. 

For every one of these emails you receive, there are dozens more who didn't make this appeal to you. Please help me and others plan for our future. As you know, other countries have seen the wisdom of a spot Bitcoin ETF. Allowing a futures ETF but not allowing a spot ETF over concerns of market size or manipulation, doesn't pass the common sense sniff test. 

Please look out for the little guy and approve of GBTC's transition to an ETF. 

Thank you, 

Todd Flemion