Subject: File No. SR-NYSEArca-2021-90
From: Paul Hutchings

Apr. 22, 2022


Good morning, 

I am writing the SEC to give my support to the proposal to convert the GBTC Trust to an ETF. Crypto currencies are still in the early stages of development but have advanced immensely since their inception. Bitcoin in particular has been mentioned as a storage of value, a digital gold if you will. As I retiree, I am extremely interested in protecting the value of my retirement investments. 

Crypto currencies are the wave of the future. Our entire economy is switching to digital platforms. It seems archaic that we live in a digital world but have paper money. It is time the SEC moves to support digital currencies. These currencies are becoming main stream. The regulation the SEC will provide for many investors in the Crypto sector would provide stability to these markets. The United States dollar is the world's reserve currency. The SEC should get in front the digital wave and be a leader. Support of the conversion of the GBTC Trust would exhibit leadership and would bring a long needed ETF to the Crypto market. 

Thank you for your time and consideration of my thoughts. God Bless America! 

Paul Hutchings 
AllPrint, Inc.