Subject: File No. SR-NYSEArca-2021-90
From: Simon SIU

Apr. 22, 2022


Dear SEC, 

I write to you as a GBTC shareholder, in support of the conversion of Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (OTCQX: GBTC). 

Sorry for my poor English hope u can understand. Here is what I think. 

If US government wants to regulates crypto industry and protect investors, then converting this largest publicly-traded cryptocurrency fund to an ETF is obviously one of the way to meet purposes. As you know there are plenty of interested investors await aside to invest in crypto asset safely under regulation. Human's desire is like energy, it will flow like water, same as money, it will flow to where it wants to go to or tends to go to, if you try to stop them here, they will flow to other places to continue the trend, it is unstoppable. Just like some OTHER COUNTRIES try to ban it, money eventually flow to other places by any efforts they can. On the other hand, Canadians and Australian already have their spot etf trading now, i think they understand in investment, never bet against the trend. US is legging behind, hope u guys can make a good decision for your great country and peoples. 

I’m writing from Hong Kong, with gratitude for the opportunity to express my view and with the hope that you will approve this conversion and protect the interest of investors. 

Chi Shing SIU