Subject: File No. SR-NYSEArca-2021-90
From: Elliot Kleinfelder

Apr. 19, 2022

Dear SEC,

Please do not approve any Bitcoin spot ETF let alone one from Grayscale, a group far too tied into other scammy and manipulative entities in the insular crypto world. Leadership in Grayscale seems eager to join in the manipulation and shill train, despite the obvious shortcomings of Bitcoin and crypto as evidenced in countless Bitcoin spot ETF rejection letters already. It’s a tool for criminals. It’s massively manipulated. Tether and stablecoins are a terrifying threat. Bitcoin and crypto in general is as close to a massive Ponzi as we’ve seen recently, and the social effect is terrifying as well. I’ve seen countless friends get fooled into poor investment choices that have cost them a great deal of money and it’s completely derailed their lives.

The only thing crypto needs is tremendously more enforcement and regulation. Shut down the shills. Reign in the shady exchanges. Eliminate the stablecoins, and hopefully at that point we can watch the industry dry up. It’s dangerous. It needs to stop. Literally, the last thing the industry needs is a Bitcoin spot ETF out of the U.S., and Grayscale is the last entity that should have anything to do with it.

If you are genuinely concerned with protecting Americans, do all you can to shut the crypto scam down.


Elliot Kleinfelder

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