Subject: “File No. SR-NYSEArca-2021-90”
From: Jesse Doe

Apr. 07, 2022


Bitcoin could save the U.S. economy. Hear me out. 

The dollar's status as the world reserve currency is being threatened more and more every day. It's already reached the average end of life for a world reserve currency when looking at modern history. We know the money printing can't stop or the house of cards will fail. So, why not embrace Bitcoin and the self sovereignty it provides and allow the average investor to preserve their wealth and even gain some more, through the greatest financial innovation of their time? 

They can do this through GBTC right now but they don't have the same level of protections that an ETF would provide and are also not receiving the full potential of their investment because of the lack of a solid peg to the value of BTC. Currently, as of writing this the discount is sitting at over 25%. And yet several years ago this was at a premium of almost 100%. Investors have lost a lot of value compared to what they would have had if GBTC was made into an ETF back then. Help retirees that are interested in investing in Bitcoin obtain the full return in value of the thing there trying to invest in. That is if you truly want to protect them. Because if you do, you should embrace the decentralized world that could make this country one of the leaders of the free world for centuries to come, all while the dollar slowly erodes away as the world reserve currency. Embrace the inevitable and give the people what they want. 

Thanks for your time, 

Jesse Dow 
Concerned Citizen