Subject: File No. SR-NYSEArca-2021-90
From: David Bondy

Mar. 14, 2022


My name is David Bondy I am a citizen of Florida as well as a investor in the financial markets here in the US. I would like to advocate for the approval of a SPOT BITCOIN ETF. I would also like to bring to your attention that by approving a FUTURES BITCOIN ETF but continually barring a Spot Etf is more than poor policy, you are directly hurting investors in the spot market that you are “aiming to protect”… Also there shouldn’t actually be a reason you can approve one and not the other under your bylaws. So therefore what your agency is actually doing is protecting large players who are able to aggressively pump or short futures in order to flush the spot market. By refusing to build and make a robust institutional investment grade vehicles, you forcibly create low liquidity and increase volatility for the average investor which it clearly affects most.

This type of prejudice is not unnoticed and is extremely unbecoming and reeks of malpractice.

I hope this finds you well.


Unhappy constituent.