Subject: Grayscale BTC ETF

Feb. 22, 2022

You guys are too arrogant and out of touch with the public who pays your wages. You forget you are there to represent and serve us, something gov in this nation has forgotten. Sure you need to implement appropriate regulation to fight the bad guys, I understand the need. BUT you need to use the “same” regulations on BTC ETF’s as any other ETF.  Yes it is that simple no matter how you try to complicate the matter. Listen, Gensler and all you guys are not as wise and the experts you think you are. You just happened to get in your position by circumstances more often than merit so you need to be a little more humble. You need to exercise the publics will for these ETF’s with proper regulation and quit trying to think you are public policemen because that is not your job. There is risk everywhere in the entire financial world and you can only apply reasonable protection to investors, not be something you can’t be. Yes we all know this issue is all about gov’s dollar and the threat from BTC. All you guys need to let the market decide these things for markets do ultimately provide so much more for the citizens’ standand of living vs. gov who reduces SOL to the masses. You let markets save this nation’s economy, and you are advised to not foolishly resist these forces. All the public asks is for you is to keep the bad actors out the best you can and that’s it. BTC is not the bad actor, the bad actor is gov acting against the people, like that Trudeau idiot. Please Gary listen for once to the public and approve the crypto ETF’s with sound and reasonable regulation but without SEC trying to be some type of risk-elimination hero which you will never be.  Thank you. A non-canned email response would be appreciated. Gov owes that to us tax payers who provide your food and clothing.