Subject: File No. SR-NYSEArca-2021-90
From: Jeremy N/A

Mar. 02, 2022


Dear SEC, 

I’m writing to support the conversion of Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (Symbol: GBTC), currently the world’s largest Bitcoin fund, to the first Spot Bitcoin ETF in the United States. 

I have been optimistically waiting for a few years now for such a fund to be approved... and have been greatly disappointed with each subsequent ruling or rejection from the SEC. I expect better from what is supposedly the center of the world's free markets, and yet we are lagging behind terribly for Bitcoin investors. Please stop playing games and start listening to your constituents. I am a US Federal tax paying investor and I would like the SEC to approve the Grayscale Bitcoin Trust spot-backend ETF fund ASAP. 

Jeremy L 

Seattle, WA