Subject: SR-NYSEArca-2021-90
From: Desiree Briceno

Mar. 01, 2022


Dear SEC,
Thanks for the opportunity to provide feedback on this important ruling. 
I invested in GBTC with great work efforts and IRA.  At the moment, delays in approving this Spot ETF is hurting investors, the investors you are sworn to protect.    
I understand your need to regulate and that regulation is good for everyone – ensuring a level-playing field.  Please consider investors who safely and easily want access via brokers and stock market.  
I kindly request you prioritize the approval for the Grayscale Bitcoin Spot ETF. 
Please consider that delaying approval will only drive investors away from the current financial systems.  Even, quite possibly, generate negative impact in the mid-term elections, as the adoption rate for Bitcoin continues to grow amongst all age segments.
Your support for prioritizing the approval for the Grayscale Bitcoin Spot ETF, is greatly appreciated.
Desiree Briceno