Subject: File No. SR-NYSEArca-2021-90
From: Domingo Guerra

Feb. 24, 2022


To whom it may concern, 
I'd like to express my full support for converting GBTC to a bitcoin backed ETF.  

I believe in the promise of Bitcoin both as a disruptive technology and an investment opportunity and feel as Americans, we are at a disadvantage compared to other countries that already have opportunities to invest in Bitcoin in their securities and retirement accounts.  

Purchasing Bitcoin through crypto exchanges implies some custody risk as well as tax implications. Approving the GBTC conversion to ETF would allow millions of people like myself to gain Bitcoin exposure through our trusted brokerage firms as well as through Grayscale's trusted custody of the Bitcoin itself.  We could also enjoy the tax deferred benefits of using retirement accounts for exposure to this new asset class. 

Please do consider my support and I am at your disposal for any further questions you might have on how I believe this conversion would be a huge benefit for citizens as myself.  

Best regards 