Subject: File No. SR-NYSEArca-2021-90
From: Brian Jackson

Feb. 22, 2022



As a full-time employee of the Military, I don't have a lot of investment options. My TSP is restricted to less than 10 funds. The only other vehicle I have to grow my wealth for my child is through my IRA. I wanted to get into Bitcoin to diversity from my TSP investments. I bought into GBTC Feb 2021 and the price was right about where it is today. However, there was a 5% premium and 2% management fee. Today, my portfolio is down over 30% even though the price is the same because you are not allowing the price to track NAV. Let Grayscale and others offer a spot Bitcoin ETF and let the consumer's decide if it's right for them. Personally, it will automatically save me 1% in management fees and boost my porfolio back to reflect the BTC price. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding my comments. Thank you. 


Concerned Airman and Family