Subject: File No. SR-NYSEArca-2021-90
From: Mark Dalton

Feb. 22, 2022


Dear SEC, 

I’m writing to support the conversion of Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (Symbol: GBTC), currently the world’s largest Bitcoin fund, to the first Spot Bitcoin ETF in the United States. 

Gary may have 'taught' blockchain, but it is clear he does not understand cryptocurrency. 

I am in Minnesota.   I consider the SEC to be irresponsible to even suggest the CME over a real asset.   It is similar to saying that gambling/speculation (CME) is better than investing in Gold the real asset.  You may not understand the concepts of why Bitcoin is solid or currently volatile, part of the reason is the CME and other leverage traders.  And the FUD that is commonly put out unfortunately by the US Government. 

Due to the United States actions in the last years, I am looking to leave the US permanently and renounce.   The US __used to__ stand for Freedom, but now we are being patronized by regulations that show the true ignorance of those that are making laws, instating unconstitutional powers (Secretary of Treasury) and the SEC stripping us of our Freedoms.  Also allowing the Federal Reserve to print money out of thin air which devalues the currency (which for me is the same as taxation and counterfeiting - as it is a Unelected body also). 

I should have FREEDOM to invest my money.  (Yes, that means I take my own risk.  You can advise, however, this country was not supposed to be an Authoritarian government.   It was supposed to be a government _FOR THE PEOPLE, and BY THE PEOPLE_).    Due to the SEC and US actions in the last 2 years, I have missed out on a significant number of opportunities due to the US and SEC repeatedly threatening, and not doing their JOB. 

The SEC is here primarily to advise, and protect from dishonest practices.  (But instead you are 'in bed' with the true criminals, The Federal Reserve, the Banks and Wall street, that commonly launder money, that cheat the public and manipulate the stocks. 


Mark Dalton