Subject: SR-NYSEArca-2021-90
From: Michael A. Borthwick

Feb. 15, 2022

In regards to the GBTC Bitcoin Spot ETF approval. 

I find it very interesting that I can put $500 down on a football game with a 50% chance of losing all my money, but I cannot invest $500 in a product that may or may not go down but I have the chance to step out if I need it at a loss of my controlling or a gain. 

As a 49yr old individual Investor who manages his own portfolio I am for the approval of the spot ETF. I have GBTC and straight Bitcoin. I am well aware of the risks and am sure there are more ups and downs coming in the future, but I accept the risk. It's my investment and I don't need a nanny state to make decisions for me.  

Thank you 

Michael A. Borthwick