Subject: File No. SR-NYSEArca-2021-90
From: Retail Investor
Affiliation: 9-5 Desk Jockey

February 18, 2022

Why does an unelected official have this much power and sway over financial markets? You claim to be protecting retail investors yet Ive been burned on SO MANY TRADITIONAL ASSETS over the last 2 years. FB, HOOD, PYPL, PTON, NFLX, Z, ZM. Every single one of these safe stocks have caused me excruciating pain yet you know what hasnt? BITCOIN. I bought spot Bitcoin at $3,000 and its now over TEN TIMES WHAT ITS WORTH. Your protections dont mean jack for retail. They only have and only will ever line institutional moneys pockets with gold while us retail continue to get shafted. Bitcoin is the ONLY investment grade asset you havent touched and its the ONLY asset that has produced consistent returns for the small guy and now you have an opportunity to FINALLY do something to help retail and you continue to hold it back??? Who put this guy in charge? How do we get him removed???? DO BETTER FOR THOSE YOU CLAIM TO PROTECT AND MAKE THIS SPOT BTC ETF HAPPEN.