Subject: File No. SR-NYSEArca-2019-39
From: Amy L Darscheid

July 17, 2019

You have the power to institute one of the greatest inventions of our time, since the World Wide Web. This is the beginning of the Internet of Money--the World Wide Web of Money. Please approve all of these Bitcoin ETFs.

Digital currencies are, simply put, instant wires. A consumer or business can deposit and withdraw funds in an instant with the click of a keystroke for practically zero fees. IBM is already using Stellar, another form of Bitcoin.

Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are amazing--instant funds transfer for almost zero fees. Good for consumers, good for banks, good for the job market (think of how many new jobs this will create), and good for the global economy.

This committee has approved time and time again those horrible triple-short ETFS which over time erode and are eventually worthless.

This is a real product backed by digital gold. Please approve these fabulous products and let the tech companies continue to innovate for our great nation.

America first. If America is not first on implementing cryptocurrencies and controlling most of Bitcoin and its like, I can guarantee China and Russia will be. Let America be sellers of Bitcoin and cryptos, not buyers of cryptocurrencies from China and Russia. The power of the U.S. Dollar is only as valuable as who will trade with it. It can easily be replaced as the global currency.

What Facebook and Calibra are doing with Libra is what America needs to do to be on the forefront of this amazing technology.