Subject: File No. SR-NYSEArca-2015-110

November 22, 2015

Dear SEC,

I cover the ETP industry for the ETF Business Review for the past 7 years. I serve 30 asset managers and many providers in the industry.
Recently i have gotten to write more about SEC trends.
I happened to look at this filing above.
I find the format very difficult to read for the average analysts, as it has no summary, no points and it is watered down with legal language.
Can we please work on a new format that is easy to read for everyone, or at least 2-3 pages that every investor can understand?
I find this present format to be nearly criminal in complexity - it is not clear what NYSE is proposing and how it is diffierent than the previous proposal.
As regulators, you should encourage the industry to speak the language of investors.

Yours truly,.

R0b Ivanoff/FPR