Subject: File No. SR-NYSEArca-2012-28
From: suzanne h shatto

July 19, 2012

jp morgan doesn't need another derivative.

jp morgan already trades a lot in the commodities market and there is a question about whether it is such a large player that they manipulate the market.

jp morgan gets inside information by using their warehouses to buy and sell copper which maximizes profits to the detriment of commercial interests who have to buy copper.
often derivatives allow shortselling and thus affecting many equities at one time, making the equities market extremely volatile. in my opinion, banks should be banks, not business conglomerations.

there should be no enabling of shortsellers or options traders because they are not capital inflows to the equities but they are capital outflows from the stock market. it is my feeling that shortselling does not represent demand or supply but does affect the price equilibrium in a negative manner.

commercial interests do not support this. you should listen to the commercial interests. they oppose having an additional way to make a market unstable. this would be true of all derivatives.