Subject: Supporting File SR-NYSE-2024-35
From: Kevin Coroneos

Jul. 17, 2024

Dear SEC Officials, 

As a closed-end fund (CEF) investor, I’m asking you to support the New York Stock Exchange’s proposed exemption for CEFs from an annual meeting requirement. 

The annual meeting requirement is not needed to protect my investments and in fact adds to the fees that investors like me end up paying. 

I am also very concerned about the loophole it has created for activist raiders to come in and potentially overtake CEFs, including my investments. 

Activist activity is making the CEF market unsustainable. In fact, not a single new CEF was launched last year. 

NYSE’s proposed changes will align regulatory requirements with the protections that Congress intended. There will still be elections for an initial board of directors as well as additional situations specified by Congress. Aligning NYSE voting standards with existing laws for funds protects my right to vote while also stopping activists from raiding the funds to implement their own regime and control the money. 

Thank you for helping to protect my investments from activist raider billionaires by supporting this common-sense change. 

Thank you.