Subject: SR-NYSE-2024-02 on the
From: Brian Wells

Jan. 14, 2024

Step Right Up! Come one, come all! America is having a yard sale! 

America can’t afford to pay its bills because congress and the 50 states have all squandered and mismanaged their assets by giving the wealthiest Americans lower tax rates, buying things it cannot afford, and allowing entrusted government branches to frivol-away resources from The Social Security Administration, Medicare and Medicaid and other social welfare systems to pay bills that do not benefit the populace. 

So now it’s time for America to sell off its treasured lands to pay for the 34 Trillion dollars in debt it has accrued to date! 

For the rock bottom price of a few shares, you can own your very own piece of the new “Anti-manifest Destiny”! That’s right folks, the Western United States are for sale to the highest bidder! Let Kit Carson and John C. Fremont roll in their graves! Let Thomas Jefferson’s bones torque and shatter into shards at the realization that America’s current leadership has set gavel to the sound block as the auction cry begins! Eastward Ho as the Western states become a conglomerate of foreign territories! 

Let’s the land management agencies prepare the proposals that will precede the auctioneers land rattle! Let “Red” Emerson” own the trees and let The Rockefellers own the minerals and let America’s economic competitors own the soil! 

But wait, there’s so much more! Let Theodore Roosevelt’s ghost roil in agony as the international and American “Robber Barons” take what’s left of America from Americans, to profit from as they see fit, because new laws will undoubtedly support them, put in place by a U.S. Congress and Senate who will benefit by the trickle-down that stops at them. 

I am most often a registered Democrat. I am a retired Professor, degreed in both in Art and Science. I am also a Service-connected Disabled Veteran who has believed in the righteousness of the US Government and have committed to give my life in her defense. That said, if NAC’s are created to privatize the Western United States, I will opt to join my fellow American Republicans to take up arms against this outrageous idea. I would feel confident that the American Founding Fathers would support such a rebellion! 

“NAC: The American Yard Sale” 

Brian Wells 
Professor Emeritus