Subject: No on SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Lynda Fioravanti

Jan. 17, 2024

Dear Rule Committee, 

Please protect America and vote No on SR-NYSE-2023-09 to not allow National Asset Company (NAC's) to be on the stock exchanges. This rule, if it were to pass, would open the door for foreign entities to take over America's land and natural resources. 

I live in Idaho where 63% is controlled by the Federal Government. This too should change and have the lands revert back to the state of Idaho. So if this rule were to pass, it would affect me personnally as I live amongst our natural resources. 

Vote NO on SR-NYSE-2023-09! 

Thank you for protecting America! 

Wishing you the best, 

Lynda Fioravanti, Bonners Ferry, ID 

Lynda Fioravanti 

Realty Plus, Inc. 

(208) 597-3663 (cell) 

(208) 208-263-1979 (Sandpoint Office) 

(208) 263-5872 (fax)