Subject: SR-NYSE-2023-09: Webform Comments from SK Babcox
From: SK Babcox

Jan. 17, 2024

I absolutely appose the formation of this new class of
“asset”. This is American land. This is a complete scam. If it
goes through it will destroy family farms that were advised to allow
their land to be part of any conservation easement. Worse, once
they’ve disable the farmers from being able to use their land, they
will buy it cheap. Once the NAC is no longer “managing” the asset
but in fact owns it. The NAC can easily be dissolved & the owner/s
say, China for example, are free to do whatever they want with the
land. Drill, extract, deforest, whatever they want. These are American
assets being sold on the open market to whoever & destroying
property rights at the same time. 
This is absolutely a horrific idea. I pray it goes down in flames!