Subject: Proposed rule change to allow the NYSE to adopt listing standards for Natural Asset Companies
From: Alan Conover

Jan. 17, 2024

I am submitting this comment to express my opposition to the rule change, which would allow the NYSE to list and market Natural Asset Companies on the New York Stock Exchange. 
I am opposed to the formation of natural asset companies. I am vehemently opposed to NAC's that include public lands. Inclusion of public lands would be an unlawful violation of the Federal Land Management Act of 1976. It also would violate US Mining Law and statutes of the National Forest System Lands. 
The collaboration of the New York Stock Exchange, the Security Exchange Commission, The Intrinsic Exchange Group and the formation of Natural Asset Companies will only erode the very principles that this nation was founded on private property rights and the management of public lands for the benefit of its citizens through multiple use as congressionally mandated. The formation of the Security Exchange Commission, which was formed almost a century ago, was implemented to stop shady and unethical trading practices. 
Its participation in this NAC Ponzi scheme runs opposite of its intended purpose. 
The Intrinsic Exchange Group and Natural Asset Companies is a Ponzi scheme for the ultra wealthy, both foreign and domestic to strip the U.S. citizens of any of their sovereign rights. 
The I.E.G. was designed to facilitate management and wealth transfer of the United States Natural assets, be it our public lands, private lands, our vast mineral deposits, our forests and grazing lands to multi-national companies and wealthy elites. It is designed with the United Nation's goals and is in conjunction with the Biden 30x30 Initiative Executive order 14008. 
The NAC's will become the tool of the Biden Administration's Bureau of land Management to subvert the multiple use practices mandated by Congress. The unelected bureaucrats in the Department of Interior, BLM and FWS are professional environmental activists and will subject mining leases, grazing leases and others to unrealistic regulations and costs to get them to relinquish resource leases and or transfer the leases to "conservation leases" to 3rd Party, Non-Governmental Organizations. 
There will not be any management decisions made by local shareholders or agency personnel. 
The NAC's will strip our U.S. citizens of the resources needed to continue our way of life. This will affect all Americans. 
We already have adequate rules in place to explore and extract minerals, practice sustainable grazing and forest management. These rules protect our waters and wildlands, provide recreation opportunities and abundant wildlife while using our existing multiple uses as mandated by law. 
I believe that conservation runs hand in hand with multiple use. 
The NAC concept is more about preserving the resources than conserving them. 
Who are they preserving the resources for? If it is not for us taxpaying, honest hardworking U.S. citizens then is it for the globalist's? 
This appears to be an attempt to subvert the will of the American people, go around congress and to seize our natural resources. 
The extremely short comment periods of this ruling and of the BLM's Public Land Rule in 2023 prove they are trying to pass these rulings with the least public input possible. 
Management of all public lands must have congressional oversight and have local input from stakeholders. 
Public Resources must remain the property of the U.S. citizens and never sold to international corporations or foreign governments. 
This proposed rule change should not be allowed to move forward. This rule change is full of illegalities and would cause a chain reaction of more illegal practices from every federal agency that participates in this scheme. 

Alan C Conover